Election 2020: 8 vie for four Exeter state rep. seats – News – seacoastonline.com



Four Democrats and four Republicans are competing for four seats representing the town of Exeter in the state House.

Democrats Lisa Bunker, Julie D. Gilman, Gaby Grossman and Mark A. Paige will face Republicans Edward Duncan, William A. Smith, Greg Stone and Carl Wikstrom at the Nov. 3 election.

The candidates answered questions provided by Seacoast Media Group.

Lisa Bunker

Party: Democratic

Address: 98 Main St., Exeter

Age: 58

Occupation: Writer

Civic/Political Experience: 2 years in the N.H. House

1. Why are you running for state representative?

I feel called to serve my community.

2. What do you see as the top three local issues facing your district and if elected how do you plan to address them?

The pandemic is obviously a huge issue for everyone right now. Local businesses and families with school age children are among the hardest hit, but we still need to be careful about reopening too fast. I’d advocate for a measured return to normalcy, guided by science. Beyond that, property tax and school funding are big in Exeter, and I think to address these and other issues related to chronic underfunding at the state level, we need to look at new income streams.

3. How would you rate the state’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic? What can the state do to help individuals and businesses still struggling?

I think we’ve done a pretty good job at handling the pandemic, overall, finding the middle path between excessive caution and foolhardiness. Helping local businesses is obviously a great idea, but it’s going to be tough with our already bare-bones revenues dipping due to the pandemic.

4. How should the state address a projected budget shortfall due to the pandemic? Given the pressure on cities and towns due to the pandemic, do you think the existing revenue models are sufficient and if not, what would you suggest?

Existing revenue models were not sufficient even before the virus came to town. I’m going to be one lonely voice in the wilderness on this, speaking only for myself, but moderate broad-based taxes are the fairest means of raising state revenue, so I think we need to look at an income tax. Even a low percentage tax with a reasonably high income-level floor could enable the state to finally meet at least most of its funding obligations, and ease property taxes too.

5. How would you rate the state’s response to the opioid crisis and what else do you think needs to be done to address substance misuse?

I think there are a lot of highly dedicated people offering all the help they can with the resources they’ve been given, but we could do more, both in direct treatment, and in safety-net programs that would ease the burdens of those vulnerable citizens among us who are most at risk for substance use disorders. It keeps coming back to money.

6. Do you support legalizing gambling or marijuana for recreational use?

Gambling no, marijuana yes.

7. Do you think the state should implement a paid family medical leave insurance program?


8. Are New Hampshire gun laws sufficient? If not, what changes would you support and why?

Our gun laws are not sufficient, in my view. Last term I co-sponsored, and this term I will be co-sponsoring again, the waiting period bill for firearms purchases. I am in favor of banning assault weapons, high-capacity magazines, and bump stocks. I also support universal background checks and closing gun-show and private sale loopholes.

Edward Duncan

Party: Republican

Address: 40 Hampton Road, Unit D2, Exeter

Age: 72

Occupation: Retired

Civic/Political Experience: Several years on the N.H. Republican Party State Committee

1. Why are you running for state representative?

I see a strong need in government for a return to Biblical morality, and for conservative support of our Constitution and our Republic, beginning at the state and local level. In the area where I live, representation has for years been by liberal Democrats entirely, while we who are conservative have had little or no voice. I am running to be a conservative voice for our government.

2. What do you see as the top three local issues facing your district and if elected how do you plan to address them?

During this present election, an obvious answer is the effect of the virus on health and the economy. There should be first of all: emphasis on cleanliness, sanitation, and courtesy. The economy should be promoted and guided toward full recovery or there will be strong consequential harm.

Supply of energy is moving toward deficiency, electricity and utilities (water/sewer) are becoming expensive, and these need to be addressed for adequacy and affordability.

Taxes and education are also issues of concern which need to be addressed responsibly.

3. How would you rate the state’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic? What can the state do to help individuals and businesses still struggling?

Much better than most other states: I would rate it B+ to A-. Questionnaires should be sent to business owners with generalized questions about what they have been doing, problems they have been facing, and what they see their needs are to be productive. After evaluation of responses, zoom meetings of these business owners to develop further response, followed by in face meetings of representatives of these businesses.

4. How should the state address a projected budget shortfall due to the pandemic? Given the pressure on cities and towns due to the pandemic, do you think the existing revenue models are sufficient and if not, what would you suggest?

First of all, if the state is having a financial shortfall, be sure that a large percentage of the state’s citizens and businesses are having financial shortfalls too. Therefore, raising taxes is not an option. Years ago when the state experienced a large budget shortfall due to overspending and over borrowing combined with an economic downturn, the newly elected Republican legislature had to make some difficult decisions, tightening the state’s financial belt, which lasted a number of years, to bring us to much stronger financial stability. The state needs to make such financial decisions to avoid further aggressive indebtedness.

5. How would you rate the state’s response to the opioid crisis and what else to you think needs to be done to address substance misuse?

Part of the problem, this year, may have been exacerbated by the coronavirus due to differing priorities. However, drug addiction is an uncontrollable urge in the person addicted. We have been treating it as if it were an illness that would go away if the person were cared for with medicine. Very few drug addicts, even with help, can volitionally break free of its tentacles. If an addict, after the aforementioned treatment, cannot be free of his addiction, then I believe treatment in confinement would be the best help for that person (though some will still harm themselves). As for the criminals who distribute and sell such illegal drugs, they should be fiercely hunted and judicially delt with severely. The state response needs to be much stronger.

6. Do you support legalizing gambling or marijuana for recreational use?

Gambling is already legal in this state, but as for expanded gambling, I am against it. For some people, gambling can be as addictive, and destructive to a family, as illegal drugs. As for marijuana, I am against legalizing it. It is detrimental to the brain’s development, especially over time, and safety for the person in question, as well as people associated with him, is endangered. Due to prevailing trends, I have no doubt that it will be legalized eventually, but I contend it definitely should not be legalized till there is a reliable test to determine level of sobriety. Work place machinery and driving on the highways are dangerous enough without mental debilitation.

7. Do you think the state should implement a paid family medical leave insurance program?

The latest proposed family leave program, by Governor Sununu, was a good proposal. As long as it is voluntary, I am supportive of it. I am against an involuntary medical leave plan.

8. Are New Hampshire gun laws sufficient? If not, what changes would you support and why?

New Hampshire’s gun laws are definitely sufficient! The only change I would suggest is that a couple classes on gun safety should be taught in the schools. NRA’s Eddie Eagle course would be worth looking at.

Julie D. Gilman

Party: Democratic

Address: 96 High Street

Age: 59

Occupation: Member Exeter Select Board

Civic/Political Experience: Exeter Selectwoman 2007-present; Historic District Commission; Heritage Commission; Energy Committee; ZBA; Conservation Commission; American Independence Museum Board of Governors.

1. Why are you running for state representative?

I’m running for a third term to continue the work the House of Representatives has strived to complete but were stopped by the governor’s record-breaking number of vetoes.

There are new ideas proposed every year that affect Exeter and the state in general. A steady hand at the tiller will inform the decisions we must make to protect and improve Exeter’s quality of life.

2. What do you see as the top three local issues facing your district and if elected how do you plan to address them?

Affordable housing: Exeter has a diverse population and some affordable housing. The types and locations of our current affordable stock, I think, segregates that diversity. Legislation can allow communities to adopt or amend local zoning ordinances to adapt to the changes needed.

Alternative energy solutions: With the growing interest in alternative power solutions/sustainability there is a growing need to adjust current limitations on generated power added to our electric grid. A new bill this year dealt with storage of generated power (like a battery) which, like all alternative energy bills, was vetoed by the governor. We can persist in the efforts and enhance these bills.

Historic Preservation: Tourism is one of N.H.’s top revenue sources. The American Independence Museum is an example of Histourism. Preservation of places throughout the state can only add to the attractions of N.H. Unfortunately resources from the state for preservation are limited and such places are left to scramble for funds through donations and competitive grants. The Land and Community Heritage Program (LCHIP) is a long-standing program that has helped communities (including Exeter) preserve and protect and structures funded in part through the state budget. Sometimes this budget line is robbed leaving communities at a loss for their preservation goals.

3. How would you rate the state’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic? What can the state do to help individuals and businesses still struggling?

Early into the state of emergency the response was slow partially due to the federal rules and timing. Science was ignored. We need a mask mandate that still hasn’t been generally ordered. Over the months the process has improved. Early in the federal funding the Governor’s Office of Emergency Relief and Recovery (GOEFRR) task force began establishing guidelines after telephonic conferences with industry stakeholders. What was not transparent was how these stakeholder representatives were chosen to testify and how decisions were made about which industry was addressed first. The adopted guidelines for each industry just follow the CDC and each community is left to figure out how their businesses adjust. There are still funds left to refine guidelines for businesses that continue to be affected because of their individual operation details and revenue sources. For individuals there needs to be more direction from the governor to assist in foreclosures and rent/pay subsidies. Welfare departments in every municipality have seen a 2 to 3-fold increase in people needing rent and utility assistance.

4. How should the state address a projected budget shortfall due to the pandemic? Given the pressure on cities and towns due to the pandemic, do you think the existing revenue models are sufficient and if not, what would you suggest?

The governor needs to press Congress and the Senate to provide monetary help for municipalities. Currently towns just receive funds they have documented as used for COVID-19 related municipal uses such as PPE purchases for our first responders. Nothing is provided for budget shortfalls caused by lower revenue from closed or semi-open businesses, unpaid taxes or utilities. The state will clearly need to freeze or reduce services just as municipalities do. The state needs to be creative to find new revenue sources.

5. How would you rate the state’s response to the opioid crisis and what else do you think needs to be done to address substance misuse?

I think the state had a slow start in organizing solutions to this problem. State programs and the support for them and others were just beginning to click before the pandemic hit us. Supportive shelters and programs closed during this state of emergency partly due to lack of funding and distribution of PPE, virus testing, and the difficulty to conform to spacing guidelines. This left those in need nowhere to go for help and as a consequence the problem has increased again. There were such COVID-19 relief and investments included in the bills that the governor vetoed that may have sustained these programs.

6. Do you support legalizing gambling or marijuana for recreational use?

No on gambling. Currently gaming is allowed for raising money to support non-profit donations. That’s a good cause. There was a bill that passed legalizing Keno in dining establishments that serve alcohol. The legislation provided that each municipality must adopt it at town meeting. A share of that revenue was meant to raise funds for full day kindergarten. I voted against it primarily because I saw it as the camel’s nose under the tent. Additionally, there was no provision in the bill that those funds would be placed in a dedicated account just for full day kindergarten rather than the general education fund. Proceeds now go to the general education fund which I think negates the Keno purpose. There was almost no interest for Keno in Exeter.

Yes on marijuana. We passed a bill to legalize carrying ¾ oz or less which decreased the number of felony convictions that led to jail time. This bill passed with an overwhelming and bipartisan majority in the House.

7. Do you think the state should implement a paid family medical leave insurance program?

Yes, especially now when job insecurity is high, and we are in the midst of a pandemic. Working people need to be assured they will have a job to return to after needing time to care for loved ones.

8. Are New Hampshire gun laws sufficient? If not, what changes would you support and why?

No. I do believe in the 2nd Amendment right to bear arms but feel the laws here are too lax. Yes for target and sport shooting. I believe that automatic rifles, large capacity rounds and bump stocks should be reserved to our federal armed forces only. The lifting of N.H.’s concealed carry permit law means anyone licensed to carry a firearm can do so anywhere, anytime and any way now. I would support a concealed carry license again and prohibition of firearms on public grounds: school, municipal and state. My constituents are surprised when I tell them the Statehouse does not have metal detectors as our courthouses do.

Gaby Grossman

Party: Democratic

Address: 31 Winter Street, Exeter

Age: 42

Occupation: Educator, artist, state representative, campground owner and mom

Civic/Political Experience: Children and Family Law Committee member; Child Oversight Commission; Bi-partisan Disability Caucus Chair; Womenade for Greater Squamscott Board of Trustees; One Sky Board of Directors; UNH Institute on Disability Leadership Graduate; Unsung Hero Award from Governor Lynch and the NH Children’s Trust; featured in “Women for Obama” video “Dinner with Barack”; advocate for inclusion and autism awareness

1. Why are you running for state representative?

My experience at the N.H. legislature and serving on the Committee for Children and Family Law has been incredibly educational and rewarding. I was appointed to the N.H. Child Oversight Commission and hope to continue the critical work needed to protect our most vulnerable citizens with strong support for N.H. communities. Our public servants must promote sustainable growth and possibility for N.H. children, families and the generations to come.

2. What do you see as the top three local issues facing your district and if elected how do you plan to address them?

Currently, the top issue facing our community is the COVID-19 pandemic and how it relates to our public safety infrastructure, access to healthcare, mental health and substance use disorder services, access to public schools and workforce related issues for families. COVID-19 aside, N.H. needs to ensure that our aging population and vulnerable Granite Staters have access to affordable, equitable health care. Finally, we must recognize the global climate crisis and how rising temperatures, sea levels, and droughts affect our economy and ecosystems here in New Hampshire.

3. How would you rate the state’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic? What can the state do to help individuals and businesses still struggling?

We are responsible to ensure that our statewide public health response protects our citizen’s health and the N.H. network of medical providers. This must include coordinated fact-based information sharing, widespread and coordinated PPE availability and distribution, and the availability and accessibility of all related medical, behavioral health and substance use disorder treatments and services. We also need to leverage the federal government to provide funds for municipalities to deal with the multiple burdens affecting local businesses and families. This crisis has emphasized our deficits in broadband infrastructure that affects access to remote work and schools, we must continue to address all of these issues even after the pandemic ends.

4. How should the state address a projected budget shortfall due to the pandemic? Given the pressure on cities and towns due to the pandemic, do you think the existing revenue models are sufficient and if not, what would you suggest?

Sadly, we just heard that revenues are coming in lower than expected due to COVID which of course will require cuts and tough decisions to be made. We must work together with our federal delegation and local leaders to find access to revenue that can help lower the burden for municipalities. These are unprecedented times and we must explore new revenue sources as we look to the future.

5. How would you rate the state’s response to the opioid crisis and what else do you think needs to be done to address substance misuse?

The opioid crisis affects our communities on so many levels and it is critical that we continue to prioritize and expand accessibility to SUD treatment and create a sustainable infrastructure in N.H. that promotes recovery with increased accessibility for treatment/recovery supports in our communities including long-term residential treatment, sober-housing options, court diversion programs, coordinated prevention and recovery programs and supports to our first responders that include police, fire, teachers, healthcare workers, grandparents and children.

6. Do you support legalizing gambling or marijuana for recreational use?

I support expanding the current medical marijuana program and legalizing marijuana for recreational use. Legalizing gambling and marijuana could help create revenue growth for our state and help take the burden off of local taxes however, I am still undecided as it relates to legalization of gambling.

7. Do you think the state should implement a paid family medical leave insurance program?

Yes. Governor Sununu exploited two critical pieces of PFML legislation by auctioning off signed copies of his veto for PFML at a Republican fundraiser showing a lack of empathy for the needs of so many families in N.H. These critical pieces of legislation would have ensured Granite Staters had job security and pay while helping to care for a loved one in need. As the daughter of a Vietnam veteran that lost his battle to cancer, PFML allowed my family to care for my dying father and support our aging mother as she began her battle with Alzheimer’s disease. We can do better.

8. Are New Hampshire gun laws sufficient? If not, what changes would you support and why?

I support safer gun laws that require a license to carry, universal regulated background checks, gun violence/suicide prevention programs, gun-free schools, and red flag legislation.

Mark Paige

Party: Democrat

Address: 13 Tamarind Lane, Exeter

Age: 45

Occupation: Educator

Civic/Political Experience: Chair Great Bay Kids (early learning non-profit); Exeter Budget Co-op Representative, Board member Southern District YMCA

1. Why are you running for state representative?

I would like to continue my service to the community by working on issues that impact young, working families in New Hampshire at the state level. New Hampshire is a great place to live and work, and I will work hard to help us get through this crisis and set us up for a robust future that maintains the New Hampshire advantage.

2. What do you see as the top three local issues facing your district and if elected how do you plan to address them?

The local economy: I will support policies that ensure small business interests are protected, including those developed as we emerge from COVID.

Early learning opportunities and care for children and public education: I will support policies that expand access to early learning opportunities for children and address the longstanding inadequate school funding formula that unfairly burdens local property taxpayers.

Health care : As the pandemic rolls on and N.H. citizens continue to need affordable health insurance, the General Court should enact state-level caps on maximum out of pocket costs and require first dollar coverage of preventive services in commercial coverage, which are both currently required by the ACA but which are not already also required by N.H. state law, should the ACA be overturned.

3. How would you rate the state’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic? What can the state do to help individuals and businesses still struggling?

Our COVID numbers are good, but the negative impact of the virus on our economy is going to be with us for sometime. State leaders must pressure Washington to act and put aside partisanship in the face of a national pandemic.

4. How should the state address a projected budget shortfall due to the pandemic? Given the pressure on cities and towns due to the pandemic, do you think the existing revenue models are sufficient and if not, what would you suggest?

I am worried that those who are working class, small businesses, public sector workers (like teachers and frontline workers) will be asked to bear the economic consequences caused by the pandemic. If elected, I want to be sure that those groups are protected, as much as possible, and that we make smart choices that do not do lasting harm to our public services and economy.

5. How would you rate the state’s response to the opioid crisis and what else do you think needs to be done to address substance misuse?

The opioid crisis remains, yet perhaps gets less attention now because of COVID and other health issues. The persistence of the problem suggests an inadequate policy response and other weaknesses in our health care system that need to be addressed. But, in short, there needs to be expansion of access to quality treatment options.

6. Do you support legalizing gambling or marijuana for recreational use?

I support legalization of marijuana for recreational use. We are losing revenue to neighboring states and that loss is particularly problematic now as we live in a pandemic. I am more worried about the societal costs associated with gambling and these costs outweigh the benefits.

7. Do you think the state should implement a paid family medical leave insurance program?


8. Are New Hampshire gun laws sufficient? If not, what changes would you support and why?

I have three kids in public schools. Like every parent, I am worried for their safety when they head to school (in normal, non-COVID times). Common sense things like red-flag laws, a waiting period, and background checks should be part of an overall approach at reducing gun violence in our society.

Greg Stone

Party: Republican

Address: 13 Exeter Farms Road, Exeter

Occupation: Retired Human Resources & Labor Relations professional

Civic/Political Experience: None

1. Why are you running for state representative?

I’m running for state representative to preserve the NH advantage and traditional Granite State values. To me, this means a constitutionally based approach to state and local government. This includes fiscal responsibility (balanced budgets, no income, sales, or capital gains taxes), self-reliance for one another and the law. The time has come to stand up and speak up for what each of us believes in. If elected, I am ready to devote my time and energy to serve all Exeter residents as their NH representative in Concord.

2. What do you see as the top three local issues facing your district and if elected how do you plan to address them?

The top three local issues residents/ voters have shared with me are:

A. High property taxes and water and sewer rates: One Exeter resident who recently moved from another state called his property taxes a “gut punch.” Another resident called his water and sewer bill “exorbitant.”

B. In-person learning: Parents I’ve spoken with are very concerned by SAU 16’s decision not to open schools for all students. They want their children back in the classroom.

C. No income or sales tax wanted, because the tax burden coupled with water and sewer rates, is already high enough.

3. How would you rate the state’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic? What can the state do to help individuals and businesses still struggling?

The state, including Governor Sununu, and the Reopening Task Force have done a very good job responding to COVID-19. The state must continue efforts to support and restore our formerly thriving state economy. This can be accomplished through continuing to protect our vulnerable population, while rolling back local and state COVID-19 restrictions in New Hampshire.

4. How should the state address a projected budget shortfall due to the pandemic? Given the pressure on cities and towns due to the pandemic, do you think the existing revenue models are sufficient and if not, what would you suggest?

Prior to the pandemic, the economy was healthy, and the state had a budget surplus. The current budget shortfall, which resulted from the devastating economic effects of the pandemic, should not be addressed by income, sales or capital gains taxes. The N.H. advantage, which attracts residents and new businesses to our state, would be permanently lost by doing so.

N.H. should think creatively to develop new revenue streams and expand current ones, while tightening and trimming our state and local budgets simultaneously. In challenging economic circumstances N.H. residents tighten their budgets. We should expect the same from our state government.

5. How would you rate the state’s response to the opioid crisis and what else do you think needs to be done to address substance misuse?

Substance abuse and the opioid crisis is a complex problem. Many or most of us know someone personally that is or was affected by opioid and other substance abuse. As a state, we need to focus and provide more resources for:

A. Recovery programs both in-patient and out-patient.

B. Sober living homes.

C. Psychiatric care both in-patient and out-patient.

6. Do you support legalizing gambling or marijuana for recreational use?

Personally, I do not support gambling or marijuana use. That said, neighboring states have legalized various forms of gambling, as well as recreational marijuana use. New Hampshire residents are surely crossing state lines to patronize these industries. N.H. was a pioneer in the state lottery arena. Perhaps, N.H. should consider allowing slot machines at charitable gaming venues as a potential source of revenue?

7. Do you think the state should implement a paid family medical leave insurance program?

Yes, I am open to this if voluntary and funded by the employee and employer, similar to disability insurance offered through employers.

8. Are New Hampshire gun laws sufficient? If not, what changes would you support and why?

Yes, they are sufficient. I support our Second Amendment rights.

Carl Wikstrom

Party: Republican

Address: 7 Charron Circle

Age: 65

Occupation: Retired Engineering Executive

Civic/Political Experience: Serving on the Water/Sewer and River Advisory Committees in Exeter

1. Why are you running for state representative?

I am not happy with the way the Exeter delegation has voted in the past two sessions. We have had to rely on our governor to veto the terrible tax increases, new taxes and gun restrictions that have been supported by the Democrats. The incumbents all voted in favor of these awful pieces of legislation. I vow to hold the line on taxes and vote against any new sales or income taxes.

2. What do you see as the top three local issues facing your district and if elected how do you plan to address them?

Local businesses have been hit hard by the COVID restrictions. Additional taxes will only make that worse. The state needs to address the revenue shortfall by reducing spending, not increasing taxes.

The education system has become very difficult for Exeter citizens. We need to promote alternative education, both homeschooling and remote Charter programs so that parents can choose what is best for their children.

The right to bear arms has been threatened by legislation that required a veto by the governor. Like all citizens of New Hampshire, the people of Exeter have the right to defend themselves however they see fit, including firearms. I would fight any new restrictions on firearms.

3. How would you rate the state’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic? What can the state do to help individuals and businesses still struggling?

The state’s response has been appropriate and successful in reducing the spread of COVID-19. However, the time to lift restrictions by force of the government is upon us, Each individual business should be able to set its own rules for doing business in its establishment without the fear of not dotting an i or crossing a t set forth in the emergency orders. Allow the business to follow guidelines without the threat of penalty if a detail in the order is not followed to the letter.

The state can and should repeal the raising of the business tax rate due to become effective in January. Local businesses have been hit hard enough without the additional burden of higher taxes. The budget should be balanced by cutting spending and eliminating unnecessary programs.

4. How should the state address a projected budget shortfall due to the pandemic? Given the pressure on cities and towns due to the pandemic, do you think the existing revenue models are sufficient and if not, what would you suggest?

As I stated above, spending should be cut on the state level. Individual towns will also need to cut spending. I do not believe that we need to increase any revenue sources, but should reduce budgets by eliminating paid staff positions, even at the risk of reducing services. The only change that I might support is that if a free public service is cut, that a user fee be established for those that still want the service.

5. How would you rate the state’s response to the opioid crisis and what else do you think needs to be done to address substance misuse?

The response to the opioid crisis has been upside down. We need to be treating those addicted and make opioids available to the people that need them for pain control, rather than forcing them to go to the black market to alleviate and treat their condition. Threatening doctors with loss of license for treating their patients as they see fit has been counterproductive in reducing the size and scope of the problem. I would make the effort to see that this invasion into the patient-doctor relationship cease.

6. Do you support legalizing gambling or marijuana for recreational use?

Yes, without any special favoritism or additional tax restrictions.

7. Do you think the state should implement a paid family medical leave insurance program?

No. These programs can be privately funded and provided as an option by employers.

8. Are New Hampshire gun laws sufficient? If not, what changes would you support and why?

We need no new gun restrictions. Our citizens have the right to bear arms.

Editor’s note: William A. Smith did not respond to the questionnaire.


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  42. I think what you postedtypedthink what you postedwrotesaidthink what you postedtypedsaidthink what you postedtypedWhat you postedwrote was very logicala lot of sense. But, what about this?consider this, what if you were to write a killer headlinetitle?content?typed a catchier title? I ain’t saying your content isn’t good.ain’t saying your content isn’t gooddon’t want to tell you how to run your blog, but what if you added a titlesomethingheadlinetitle that grabbed a person’s attention?maybe get a person’s attention?want more? I mean %BLOG_TITLE% is a little vanilla. You ought to peek at Yahoo’s home page and see how they createwrite post headlines to get viewers to click. You might add a related video or a pic or two to get readers interested about what you’ve written. Just my opinion, it could bring your postsblog a little livelier.

  43. Have you ever considered about including a little bit more than just your articles? I mean, what you say is fundamental and all. Nevertheless think about if you added some great photos or video clips to give your posts more, “pop”! Your content is excellent but with images and video clips, this site could certainly be one of the greatest in its niche. Awesome blog!

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  49. Hi would you mind stating which blog platform you’re working with? I’m planning to start my own blog in the near future but I’m having a difficult time making a decision between BlogEngine/Wordpress/B2evolution and Drupal. The reason I ask is because your design and style seems different then most blogs and I’m looking for something completely unique. P.S My apologies for getting off-topic but I had to ask!

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  55. Fantastic blog! Do you have any hints for aspiring writers? I’m planning to start my own website soon but I’m a little lost on everything. Would you advise starting with a free platform like WordPress or go for a paid option? There are so many choices out there that I’m totally confused .. Any suggestions? Cheers!

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  61. Awesome blog! Is your theme custom made or did you download it from somewhere? A design like yours with a few simple adjustements would really make my blog jump out. Please let me know where you got your design. Cheers

  62. Yesterday, while I was at work, my sister stole my iphone and tested to see if it can survive a thirty foot drop, just so she can be a youtube sensation. My iPad is now broken and she has 83 views. I know this is entirely off topic but I had to share it with someone!

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  67. Hey there I am so excited I found your blog page, I really found you by mistake, while I was browsing on Bing for something else, Regardless I am here now and would just like to say thanks a lot for a remarkable post and a all round enjoyable blog (I also love the theme/design), I dont have time to look over it all at the minute but I have saved it and also included your RSS feeds, so when I have time I will be back to read a lot more, Please do keep up the excellent b.

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  105. Do you mind if I quote a couple of your posts as long as I provide credit and sources back to your webpage? My blog site is in the very same area of interest as yours and my visitors would certainly benefit from a lot of the information you present here. Please let me know if this okay with you. Thanks a lot!

  106. Hey I know this is off topic but I was wondering if you knew of any widgets I could add to my blog that automatically tweet my newest twitter updates. I’ve been looking for a plug-in like this for quite some time and was hoping maybe you would have some experience with something like this. Please let me know if you run into anything. I truly enjoy reading your blog and I look forward to your new updates.

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