Month: January 2024

National Rifle Association(NRA) CEO Wayne LaPierre testified Tuesday in his New York fraud case that the reason he was resigning from his post was because he was diagnosed with late-stage Lyme disease, according to Stephen Gutkowski of The Reload. The 74-year-old LaPierre, who announced his resignation effective Wednesday on Jan. 5 for health reasons, told
ANNAPOLIS, Md. — Densely packed in Lawyers Mall in Annapolis on Tuesday morning, mothers, advocates and policymakers celebrated a decade of legislative wins limiting firearm access and laid out plans to establish civil liability for gun dealers in 2024. Since 2013, the General Assembly has passed legislation mandating universal background checks and requiring gun owners
Dominic Erdozain wants to reframe the gun control debate. The right has “convinced itself that privately held guns are the foundation of democracy,” he writes, and everyone else has been “bullied into acquiescence.”Advocates and opponents, the historian argues, have been “trapped in an illusion: the belief that today’s ‘freedoms’ are the norms of American history
Legislation pending in the Washington state legislature would force gun owners to purchase insurance. Democratic State Sens. Patty Kuderer and Javier Valdez of Washington introduced SB5963, which would force insurance companies to ask prospective customers if they own firearms, and to then advise them of the state requirement to own liability insurance, according to the
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Photos courtesy of Jonathan Kastellec, left, and Charles Cameron Charles Cameron is jointly appointed in the Department of Politics and the Princeton School of Public and International Affairs. He specializes in the analysis of political institutions, particularly courts and law, the American presidency, and legislatures. Jonathan Kastellec is a professor in the Department of Politics. His research and
Which important issues were supported by your state representative and state senator: Help low-income people feed their families, or help pay state administrators high salaries?  Support the state economy with business growth, or refuse state’s partnership with any company that supports gun control?  Fully fund education for all children of Iowa, or cut money from
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State and federal agencies routinely issue “guidance” in the form of public statements and private letters that are actually veiled commands and threats of adverse consequences for failure to obey. Interpretive regulations, which supposedly only express an agency’s opinion and are non-binding, may serve the same function. Such communications may be beyond the agency’s legal