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[ad_1] Pop Packs are filled with environmentally safe, water-soluble gel, and they explode when hit. With their different colors, numbers and shapes, they’re great for target-decision drills—and they’re a whole lot of fun. Let’s face it: Shooting holes in paper over and over can turn your range session to a snooze fest in short order.
[ad_1] MTM Case-Gard Pistol Rest The simplest gear is often the most effective. For the past few months I’ve been doing my handgun accuracy tests off MTM Case-Gard’s pistol rest ($20). It’s a molded-plastic platform with a broad, adjustable plastic fork covered in rubber. The fork can accommodate about any handgun you could think of,
[ad_1] by Eve Flanigan This is a drill used in an advanced pistol class by Larry Vickers. It’s named after, and likely designed by, the legendary Rob Leatham. It’s great for good shooters to do after some time away from the range or from a particular gun to reacquaint themselves with the trigger. It also
[ad_1] Scout IWB Holster Galco Gunleather has introduced an improved Scout IWB holster! Improved for 2018 with an in-line redesign to add Galco’s innovative new UniClip and Ultimate Stealth clips, the open-top Scout is constructed with the rough side of the leather out. This construction method provides additional stability in the waistband, as well as a smooth leather holster
[ad_1] Holsters from Rocking K Saddlery (top) and Jeffrey Custom Leather are modern examples of the Threepersons design. Tom Threepersons was among the most famous of all western lawmen of the previous century. He was by all accounts not only a formidable lawman but also a great cowboy, competing in rodeos prior to World War
[ad_1] SIG SAUER Match Elite Pistol Competition Ammunition SIG SAUER introduced their Match Elite pistol competition ammunition. Available in 147gr 9mm Luger, low-recoil Match Elite load features coated nickel cases, and clean-burning powder for exceptional performance and shootability in fast-paced competitions. Velocities will range from approximately 860 to 900 fps, depending on the type of
[ad_1] Ruger SP101 Match Champion The Ruger SP101 made its debut in 1988. It was a small-frame revolver intended to be the stablemate for the GP100 that had supplanted the firm’s small Security-Six wheelgun. The SP101 was originally designed as a .38 Special, but according to the book Ruger & His Guns, defense expert Massad Ayoob
[ad_1] The new P320 X-Five is the best out-of-the-box competition gun you’re going to find. 2017 was a heck of a year for SIG. During the shooting industry’s big trade show last year, SIG announced it had won the Army’s Modular Handgun System contract with a version of the P320 only slightly different from its
[ad_1] Seven tips to prevent, or at least survive, a carjacking attempt. So you think that because you have a gun in your vehicle you’re immune from being carjacked? Well, I have news for you. Ignorance may be bliss, but it’s also dangerous. Whether protecting yourself in your home, on the street or in your
[ad_1] Kimber shines a new light on one of its classic designs. Where were you on August 21, 2017? If the significance of that date escapes you, then you’ve already forgotten about the first total solar eclipse visible throughout the contiguous United States in our lifetime. Odds are you’ve already pitched the certified eclipse glasses
[ad_1] Walther’s new PPQ Sub Compact packs a lot into a small package. After spending time shooting the PPQ SC (Sub Compact), I find it a lot like a medium-size Labrador: stoutly built, tough and ready for anything—and of the firm opinion that it is a big dog. The Sub Compact has all the attributes
[ad_1] The new SAR 9 is a quality-built, smooth-shooting, striker-fired pistol that’s well worth a look. Sarsilmaz is not a word that rolls smoothly off the tongue for a native English speaker. For that reason, when the Turkish arms manufacturer tried to make a big splash in the U.S. market about five years ago, it
[ad_1] The Vedder IWB holster is simple. The steel belt clip can be moved half an inch up or down, and by loosening a tension screw it can pivot 30 degrees. You can get a 1.5-inch belt clip (mounted) and/or a 1.75-inch belt clip. I’ve been interested in firearms for long enough that I can
[ad_1] By  Eve Flanigan A proper stance has you leaning into the gun, body square to the target and arms straight. Too many YouTube videos show the effects of shooters’ insufficient support of high-recoil handguns. Unfortunately, most of those videos are of women whose mates or friends didn’t know or care enough to provide instruction on
[ad_1] I’m sure this is somebody’s official handgun drill or is a derivation of one, but it’s an exercise I came up with one day when I had a limited amount of time for setup and practice. I think it’s helpful for working on sight tracking, target transitions and reloading at the same time. It’s
[ad_1] A novel piece of firearms engineering that turned the 1911 into a double-action/single-action pistol. Over the years, the debate between those favoring the single-action and single-action/double-action semiautos has taken predictable paths when it came to firing the first shot. The single-action shooter tended to be tactical-minded while the double-action first-shot fans liked the handling
[ad_1] Since 1968, MTM has continued to design and produce products for the shooting enthusiast. From ammo boxes to gun rests to clay target throwers, MTM offers a huge variety of products essential to the sportsman. MTM announces their new line of Tactical Pistol Cases for 2018. If you have multiple handguns, the new Tactical
[ad_1] Inland MFG. 1911A1 Government When it comes to 1911s, consumers have a huge number of choices, but right now there isn’t any good taxonomic classification of these pistols. (Taxonomy, if you didn’t know, is the scientific classification of organisms by family, genus, species, etc.) When it comes to 1911s, your two basic classes are
[ad_1] Getting your gun back into its holster is an important skill. Although drawing your gun in response to a perceived deadly threat is pretty darn important, so is the act of returning your gun safely to the holster. While holstering isn’t particularly exciting, it is critically important. Take it for granted and you’re courting
[ad_1] FN America’s NEW 509 pistol combines modern styling with a century-long history of military firearms production. FN Herstal was established in Belgium in 1889 as a manufacturer of military arms, and over the course of the last 128 years, the company has produced a wide variety of weapons ranging from the Browning Hi Power
[ad_1] Streamlight TLR-7, TLR-8 The new small-footprint light (TLR-7) and light/laser (TLR-8) will fit on practically any gun with an accessory rail and are perfectly at home on smaller pistols. The powerful white light on each has a 500-lumen output. The TLR-7 can be programmed to cycle through high and strobe, and the TLR-8 can
[ad_1] IMR Target Smokeless Powder Not too long ago, shooters were introduced to new powders from IMR, which is owned by Hodgdon Powder—the same company that makes Titegroup. So if you’ve already got one good-selling pistol powder, why do you need to introduce another? “Target was designed to do what Titegroup, a spherical powder, would
[ad_1] Rock Island Armory Baby Rock 1911 Rock Island isn’t the first company to build a 1911 downsized to fit the .380 ACP cartridge. I remember being a kid in the 1980s swooning over Colt’s glossy catalog and its then brand-new Mustang. However, a design that was considered little better than a toy 30 years
[ad_1] A fistful of drills to enhance your pistol skills. There’s nothing wrong with shooting drills for the sake of fun, but doing so at the expense of practicing more fundamental skills is foolish—if your goal is to be a better defensive handgunner. Drills that have you running and gunning against the timer tend to