ILA | New Mexico: Significant Action Expected on Gun Control Bills in Santa Fe on Monday!

Gun News


The New Mexico House of Representatives could vote as early as Monday on HB 100 by Rep. Andrea Romero (D-Santa Fe), legislation imposing a mandatory 14-day waiting period on all firearm purchases. Contrary to the author’s claims, this legislation will not “enhance” the existing FBI background check process in any way; it will only delay your ability to exercise your Second Amendment right to defend yourself, your family and your property. Criminals do not adhere to a “cooling off” period. Please contact your State Representative and urge him or her to OPPOSE HB 100.

​On Monday, February 27, the Senate Judiciary Committee will meet at 1:30pm (or after the Senate floor ends), in Room 321 of the Roundhouse to consider two anti-gun bills: SB 171 by Sen. Bill Soules (D-Las Cruces), legislation that attempts to supersede federal law and make it a FELONY to manufacture, sell, transfer, or acquire a firearm sound suppressor and other National Firearms Act items, as well as certain semi-automatic pistols, and House Bill 9 by Rep. Pamela Herndon (D-ABQ), a bill that creates back-door storage requirements by imposing criminal penalties on gun owners if a third-party minor accesses and displays, brandishes or injures someone with their firearm. Please make plans to attend the committee hearing in-person or via zoom to show your opposition to Senate Bill 171 and House Bill 9.

For public participation and to register for Zoom, send email to [email protected]. Include bill number, proponent or opponent, and if you will be attending in person or via zoom. 

To attend meeting via Zoom click the following link:
Meeting ID: 815 0254 3362 
Zoom Call: 1-253-205-0468 

Refer to “What’s Happening” for the Senate Judiciary Committee Procedures


Contact members of the Senate Judiciary Committee and urge them to OPPOSE SB 171 and HB 9. 

Also on Monday, February 27, the House Government, Elections & Indian Affairs Committee will meet at 8:30am, in Room 305, to consider SB 44 by Sen. Peter Wirth (D-Santa Fe), a measure banning the carrying of firearms within 100ft of any polling locations on Election Day or during early voting, even by concealed handgun licensees. These new “gun-free” zones apply not only to voters, but also to customers or patrons of shopping centers and stores that serve as polling locations. Please make plans to attend the committee hearing in-person or via zoom to show your opposition to Senate Bill 44.

You are invited to a Zoom webinar. 

When: Feb 27, 2023 08:30 AM Mountain Time (US and Canada) 
Topic: House Government, Elections, & Indian Affairs 
Please click the link below to join the webinar: 
One tap mobile : US: +12532050468,,81850374006# or +12532158782,,81850374006# Webinar ID: 818 5037 4006

Contact members of the House Government, Election & Indian Affairs Committee. 


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