Mass shootings will continue as long as greed prevails


To the Editor:

Another day in America starts
Where will it happen today? Will it be my city, my state? Where will we send thoughts and prayers today?
While our elected officials go through the standard news conference decrying what has happened more families mourn.
The almighty Second Amendment is given as the reason there is no action, but the real reason we allow citizens with some perceived grievance to carry weapons of war, that kill our children, wives, husbands and friends is really greed. The greed the NRA offers them, the greed of political power.
When will the value of the citizens outweigh the value of greed?
So another day starts and we go about our lives, but there is always the thought, “Where will it happen today?”
Please stop this madness. Our Founding Fathers did not write the Second Amendment to function in the world we live in. Please pass the assault weapon ban and laws that will stop us asking where will it happen today.

Kathy Strope
Village of Silver Lake


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