Mentally unhinged – SUNSTAR


THE RECENT shootings at the Covenant School in Nashville, Tennessee, USA where three children aged 9 and three adults were killed only prove that there are several Americans who are not mentally balanced and go on shooting sprees for no plausible reasons at all.

Previously, twenty nine individuals mostly children were gunned down at the Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Tesas for no apparent motive also. As usual, the shooters had to be shot dead in order to lessen the number of the mentally deranged.

Why the incidents in this supposedly civilized country? The gun laws restricting the purchase and use of assault weapons are so relax that any individual of age can easily buy weapons of choice.

The National Rifle Association (NRA) in the United States wield a strong lobby in Congress to push it to ignore calls to ban the sale and use of mostly assault weapons usually employed by the police and the military.

Nowadays, the lawmakers, Republicans and Democrats alike cannot put their act together and pass a law banning the sale and use of high-powered weapons by civilians a move which emboldens would-be shooter to purchase the deadly weapon in that country. Hence, the numerous shooting incidents of innocent people.

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It is no different here in the Philippines. Anybody with so much money to spend can acquire an arsenal of various types of weapons and get away with it.

This was proven by the raide on the property of former Negros Oriental governor Pryde Teves, brother of the now fugitive Rep. Arnolfo Teves who has been linked t the murder of Negros Oriental governor Roel Degamo.

Despite government prohibition of private armies, there still exist groups of men, mostly ex-military who are available as guns-for-hire and thus peace and orderliness remain elusive as long as private armies are existing and remain untouchable, Such is the sorry state of our peace and order in the country. Ayayyay!


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