PennLive’s 2023 primary voters’ guide: Perry County | Associated Press

Second Amendment

The candidates below are in contested races in Perry County. Because a number of candidates have cross-filed, they are listed in alphabetical order by first name rather than in ballot order. If a race is not listed, it was not contested.

Ticket running on: Republican

Occupation: Dairy Farmer

Experience: Farming teaches you many things, among them is hard work and long hours produces results and to be successful you must be efficient, frugal, and make tough decisions. These are traits we have had to use to survive in a very difficult dairy business. Of course, nothing beats the use of common sense. Because of our success, and my involvement with various boards and organizations throughout the county, numerous individuals have encouraged me to bring my experience and common-sense financial approach to the county government and seek the office of County Commissioner. After much prayerful thought and discussions with my family, I have made the decision to run, because many times a commissioner is faced with making tough decisions that strongly parallel what I have been doing for the last 30 years. Over the years I have gained a lot of insight and organizational skills by serving on various boards which would serve me well as a county commissioner. My experience includes 37 years as an auditor and current board chairman of Southwest Madison Township, current board chairman of Three Springs Church – 16 years, treasurer of Madison Grange 2064 serving for several years, current president of the Perry County Holstein Association, current chairman of the Perry County Farmland Preservation Board, member of the Tri-County Regional Planning Commission, member of the Perry County Farm Bureau, and a lifetime member of the NRA.


What makes you the best candidate for this position?

I have had a strong work ethic instilled in me from a young age. Working alongside my father and uncle taught me how to be sensible and successful in running a business — my farm. After more than 20 years of working with my father and uncle, my brother and I were handed the ropes to the farm. This continued the Lyons Brothers farming legacy and partnership. After 29 years, we are still fully operational which now includes a 5th-generation son and a 6th-generation grandson. I have a commonsense approach to business, and I will bring this same commonsense approach to the county commissioner’s office. My unique agricultural background and experience will prove vital in understanding the rural issues affecting Perry County today. In any leadership capacity I have taken part in, I find it important to praise co-workers, properly use one’s abilities, and possess self-awareness. I am grateful for the opportunity to run for county commissioner and would humbly ask for your vote on May 16th.

What issues are priorities for you?

The 2023 county budget was passed with an anticipated deficit, relying again, on reserve funds to balance the budget. It will be a challenge to find places where any cuts can be made, especially with ever-increasing inflation in health costs, fuel, wages, and mandates passed down from the Commonwealth. I feel it is imperative that the commissioners work together as a TEAM to achieve our collective goals. I would make it a priority to have weekly commissioner work sessions and also hope to foster a working environment that is constructive so the commissioner’s team can be a cohesive group of three. I would hope that anyone would be comfortable coming into the commissioner’s office to discuss public and private concerns. Another priority would be the hope that we could broaden the tax base by attracting new business to the county. Achieving this would help to keep Perry County an affordable place to live. As a county commissioner, I would try to keep spending under control, but make sure all of our vital services are funded and staffed. Another challenge is to attract qualified employees to staff departments in need. Another way to entice quality employees beyond wages and benefits is to provide adequate office space which promotes good morale. It is my understanding that the county has some plans for new government offices. I would support a reasonably priced and quality building project. There have been a lot of years gone by with hundreds of thousands of dollars gone toward rental office space. If elected, one must understand that all vital services must be funded. Being short-sighted and not adequately investing the right amount of funds where it is needed to become more efficient is poor management. Put funds in the right place at the right time.

Ticket running on: Republican

This candidate did not submit to the 2023 primary election voters’ guide.

Ticket running on: Republican

Occupation: Retired

Experience: I worked in our family business, H. F. Campbell & Son, Inc, the Camel Express, for 47 years, over 20 years as president, managing customers’ needs and employees in a fast-paced industry. I have served on governmental-based authorities, commissions, and committees, holding leadership positions in most. I was a founding co-chair of the Perry County Chamber of Commerce and continued to be involved in supporting our local businesses. I have overseen community projects, including the installation of a sanitary sewer collection system, the building of a multi-purpose building in the Newport Veterans Memorial Park, and secured and managed grant funds for various projects. I also coordinated the construction of the Perry County Bicentennial Plaza in Spring Township.

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What makes you the best candidate for this position?: I am a life-long resident of Perry County and have a deep understanding of our residents and communities. I will strive to maintain Perry County’s rural nature and support our economic vitality. My career and decades of community service have prepared me to hold the office of county commissioner. I have established a reputation of a strong work ethic and a network of contacts to move the county forward in a positive manner. When contacted by residents I will work to provide answers and assist with concerns. Over the years I have collaborated with hundreds of people, including county commissioners. If honored to be elected, my primary focus will be on fulfilling the duties of a Perry County Commissioner.

What issues are priorities for you?

Broadband is a pressing issue; I will support the current efforts to bring broadband to all of Perry County. Just like any business, and the county is a business, income and expenses need to be closely managed. Keeping a watch on costs and working with departments that may have challenges in meeting budget goals will be a priority, along with protecting and growing our tax base. Because of the lack of public water and sewer, economic development in Perry County will look different than in our neighboring counties. I will strive to support our existing businesses and focus on our natural resources, along with smart development in areas designated for development to create jobs for Perry Countians. I will support our county agencies and non profits that provide services for our residents to improve the quality of life in Perry County. I plan to work with the other two commissioners with open lines of communication to move Perry County forward. Our task of governing Perry County transcends political issues. I will strive to foster a productive and positive work environment for all county employees.

Ticket running on: Republican

Occupation: attorney

Experience: I have practiced criminal law for 13 years and have handled all manner of cases, ranging from DUI to homicide. I am comfortable and familiar with handling a large caseload. I have extensive jury trial experience and have tried multiple cases before a jury in the same week. I was hired by then DA, now Judge, Andrew Bender as a special prosecutor in the Perry County District Attorney’s Office. I have since been promoted to first assistant district attorney, and also became first assistant district attorney of Juniata County. I have successfully maintained both positions for the last several years. Upon being elected district attorney of Perry County, I will resign from my Juniata County position.

I also believe my experience and involvement in the community qualify me to hold this office. I am the president of the Perry County Chamber of Commerce and I serve on the Boards of the Perry County Literacy Council and the Historical Society of Perry County, in addition to being a member of the Perry County Republican Committee and the Landisburg Lions Club. This experience demonstrates my willingness to be involved in the community and reflects the extent to which I am in tune with the beliefs and values of Perry Countians.

What makes you the best candidate for this position?

My extensive experience in criminal law, common sense, and understanding of the county and its residents make me the best candidate.

My competitive nature and strong moral compass also help to make me an effective attorney. I am willing to fight the fight, and the threat of a jury trial does not, and will not, cause me to offer a more lenient plea bargain in any case.

I am also familiar with the Perry County Court system. I have built a rapport with courthouse staff, the local legal bar, and the bench. I have a good relationship with our county and local Judges.

I was born and raised in Perry County, as are my children, and I am genuinely invested in keeping this county as safe as possible. I am the only one in this race that is both a lifelong Perry Countian and a lifelong Republican. I am a member of the NRA and believe in the sanctity of human life.

I am endorsed by the Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) Tri County Lodge 76 covering Adams, Cumberland, Franklin, Fulton, and Perry Counties.

My campaign is chaired, and I am endorsed, by former County Commissioner and County Commissioner Mark Keller.

What issues are priorities for you?

I believe Perry County faces some similar issues to surrounding counties. One particular issue that concerns me is the current influx of methamphetamine use and distribution in our County. The manufacture and sale of methamphetamine must be fought with swift and aggressive investigations and prosecutions. Opiates, of course, remain a problem as well. I believe success in fighting the drug problem requires a multifaceted approach.

One initiative that I would like to implement is a Veterans Court in Perry County. This type of specialty court is designed to acknowledge the sacrifices made by Veterans and provide them an opportunity to achieve a greater outcome in their criminal case in recognition of the fact that, oftentimes, Veterans encounter legal issues associated with drugs and/or alcohol as a direct result of having suffered some trauma in service of our Country. These Courts are rigorous programs that address all of the nuanced challenges our veterans face while still addressing the need for actual punishment. Ultimately, aggressive prosecution of drug offenses serves as one of the greatest deterrents to drug use.

Another more general priority for me is to offer less plea bargains and push more cases to jury trials. I believe this philosophy ultimately leads to greater outcomes in criminal cases as defense attorneys and defendants come to learn that the threat of trial will not result in a more favorable plea bargain.

Ticket running on: Republican

Occupation: Attorney

Experience: I have been an attorney for 22 years, practicing both criminal and civil law. For 10 years, I was a prosecutor with the Dauphin County District Attorney’s office. There I handled first-degree murder, sex assaults, violent crime, drug crime, welfare fraud, financial crime, and DUI — pretty much everything. Toward the end of my time I was head of the juvenile section. I had the privilege of working under some of the best prosecutors in the state — men and women for whom prosecution was a calling, not just a job. They taught me a lot. I loved being a prosecutor because I got to work with the police and help victims.

In Perry County I currently practice in Duncannon with my father-in-law. Our firm handles most everthing that walks through the door, including divorce, custody, wills and estates. Before working as a prosecutor, I was a civil litigator. All of those experiences have taught me how to write well, argue persuasively in court, keep organized and manage an office. Those skills would help me to serve the people of Perry County as DA.

I am a resident of Wheatfield Township with my wife and three children. I have been a youth sports coach, active with my church, helped to found the Susquenita Blackhawk Foundation, serve as treasurer to the Perry County Bar Association, and am a member of the Duncannon Sportsman’s Association.

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What makes you the best candidate for this position?

I have the most experience. I will bring a high level of energy to the office. I would take a common-sense approach to prosecution. I would make the DA a leadership office, meaning that I would be out in the county speaking about crime issues and otherwise trying to get out in front of threats to the county. As an example, I give a presentation at senior centers on how to avoid scams.

What issues are priorities for you?

Making sure that all criminal cases are handled in a firm but fair manner.

Drugs remain a problem in the county, with fentanyl causing occasional overdose deaths. Coordination with law enforcement and officials in other counties should be a part of the effort to combat drugs.

I would put some focus on quality-of-life crimes in the county, like graffiti and illegal dumping.

Ticket running on: Republican

This candidate did not submit to the 2023 primary election voters’ guide.

Ticket running on: Democrat and Republican

Occupation: Attorney

Experience: I am an attorney who has been in private practice for over 26 years in Perry County. I have been the Court-appointed Custody Conciliator in Perry and Juniata County from 2004 to present. I also represented Perry County Children and Youth Services Agency from 1996 to 2014 and Juniata County Children and Youth Social Services Agency from 2014 to present. I have also served as a guardian ad litem for abused and neglected children. I have appeared in Magisterial District Courts in criminal cases, landlord tenant cases and small claims disputes. I also regularly appear in the Court of Common Pleas of Perry and Juniata County. I have had cases before the Superior Court and before the Pennsylvania Bureau of Hearings and Appeals.

I have served on arbitration panels in both Perry and Juniata Counties. I am a member of a Multi-Disciplinary Investigative Team (MDIT) whose goal is to coordinate child abuse investigations between county agencies and law enforcement.


What makes you the best candidate for this position?

I am a lifelong resident of Perry County. I know the community in which I live. I understand its values and its challenges. I have served as part of the judicial system in Perry County throughout my entire legal career. I have worked extensively with the courts. I deal with self-represented individuals and attorneys through the conciliation process. I have experience dealing with high-conflict cases related to child abuse, child neglect, domestic violence, mental health and drug and alcohol abuse. I believe that I have demonstrated the skills necessary to faithfully execute the duties of the office.

What issues are priorities for you? I believe that the office of Magisterial District Judge demands integrity, fairness and impartiality. Our community deserves nothing less. I am prepared to uphold the law and to serve this community where I was born, raised and thrived. I pledge to treat every individual fairly with dignity and respect and to exercise the authority of the office to assure the safety and security of the community.

Ticket running on: Democrat and Republican

Occupation: Attorney

Experience: I am an attorney for 35 years with deep roots in conservative, pro-life, pro-second amendment, and pro-religious liberty issues. I have been blessed to serve in many legal positions in my career where I developed the skills and knowledge essential to being an outstanding Magistrate District Judge.

During law school, I clerked at the U.S. Department of Justice on two occasions. I was admitted to the DOJ’s Summer Honors program and served in the critically important Office of Legal Counsel that provided direct advice to President Reagan through the Attorney General of the United States.

After graduating near the top of my law school class, I clerked for a federal court judge. Early in my career I worked for a prestigious Washington, D.C. law firm that represented major military defense contractors.

I have served as a Deputy Attorney General representing the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in a wide variety of cases. I have represented clients at every level in state court, including the PA Supreme Court and in federal district courts in Harrisburg and Philadelphia. I am particularly proud to have defended gun rights before the Pennsylvania Supreme Court. I was recently named one of the top 100 attorneys in Pennsylvania.

I have been involved in numerous activities and projects promoting conservative values over the years as demonstrated by my endorsements by state-wide, pro-family and pro-life leaders.

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What makes you the best candidate for this position?

My knowledge of the law encompasses many areas, all of which come before a magistrate district judge. I have knowledge regarding criminal law, the law of evidence, landlord-tenant, municipal law, personal injury, and contract law. More than 50% of the cases before a Magistrate District Judge are civil in nature.

Every lawyer and judge knows that they cannot know everything. But, through my training in law school, and my experience as an attorney, I have developed excellent research skills that will provide me with the knowledge necessary to make fair judgements in many different types of cases. Because different areas of law can relate to one another, it is important that a judge have broad exposure to the law — as I uniquely do compared to the other candidates. This knowledge was gained by the various positions I have held through my legal career.

What issues are priorities for you?

I am a judicial conservative. Always applying the law as written will be my top priority. My allegiance will be to the Constitution and the statutes, not any particular profession, institution, or person. In our representative democracy, the People, not the Courts, make the law, and judges who disregard the law set themselves up as dictators.

My deep beliefs in the sanctity of life and self-defense are evidence of my commitment to the dignity of all human beings. I believe very strongly that judges must be fiercely independent. Everyone in my courtroom will be treated with dignity and respect. I will work hard to assure that all parties have the opportunity to be heard.

The judicial philosophy that I will bring to the office of magistrate district judge can be summed up by two verses from scripture: “Do not act unjustly when deciding a case. Do not be partial to the poor or give preference to the rich; judge your neighbor fairly.” Lev. 19:15 and “Administering justice brings joy to the righteous, but terror to those who practice iniquity.” Prov. 21:15

My priority as a MDJ will be to protect the community and provide creative judgments to make Perry County a place where all can have the opportunity to prosper and live in peace. , but when the law allows the judge the ability to craft judgments to fit the situation, I promise to do so with wisdom and caution. As an attorney for 35 years, I have experienced, and I have watched my clients experience, judges who have forgotten what it is like to be on the other side of the bench! I cannot stress enough, all attorneys and parties that come before me will be treated with dignity and respect applying the Golden Rule!

Ticket running on: Republican

Occupation: Police detective

Experience: I’m a lifelong resident of Perry County and a graduate of Newport High School. I reside in Liverpool Township with my wife Jodi (Hall), my son Kyle, a junior at Greenwood High School, and my daughter Meghan, a full-time Mansfield University student.

For over two decades, I have served as a dedicated law enforcement officer, beginning my career at Paxtang Police Department and currently working as a violent crimes detective for the Swatara Township Police Department.

Throughout my career, I have held various roles, such as patrol officer, field training officer, and undercover narcotics detective. My extensive experience in law enforcement has prepared me to make sound decisions that affect people’s lives and to resolve issues in an impartial and just manner.

I have been honored to receive multiple awards for my service, including twice being named Swatara Police Officer of the Year. In addition, I have also received recognition from state and local officials for various achievements throughout my career and I am the only candidate endorsed by the Pennsylvania State Troopers Association.

Furthermore, I have had the opportunity to assist with teaching future police officers about case preparation and rules of criminal procedure and conducted mock trials through my part-time work at Harrisburg Area Community College Police Academy. Teaching has given me an in-depth understanding of every aspect of a courtroom.

In 2021, I attended the required course to be a Magisterial District Judge, and I was certified by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court upon completion. Since then, I’ve continued to expand my law knowledge by attending various legal courses.


What makes you the best candidate for this position?:

For 23 years, my decisions have had a significant impact on people’s lives. Although most people associate the police with making arrests, they are unaware of the numerous issues that officers handle on a daily basis. The majority of calls that we respond to do not result in arrests and are often resolved through mediation. As a detective, my job involves examining cases and determining whether a crime has been committed, followed by conducting an investigation to identify the person that is responsible and holding them accountable.

Having lived in this community my entire life, I have gained a deep understanding of the social and economic challenges faced by my neighbors. I took the initiative and completed the certifying class to become a magisterial district judge in 2021, long before this campaign began. This position is something I am deeply passionate about, just as I do the welfare of the people in our community.

I am the only candidate for this position that is endorsed by the Pennsylvania State Troopers Association.

What issues are priorities for you?

Drug abuse is one of the most significant problems affecting Perry County. Having spent years assigned to narcotics investigations, I have witnessed the devastating impact of the opioid epidemic, which too often results in the deaths of victims. I found great pride in prosecuting these cases and I am committed to ensuring that those who are responsible for selling poison to our children are held accountable and face punishment in jail.

During my conversations with residents, I have discovered that local ordinances are a major concern for many. I believe that it is crucial to maintain community standards for the betterment of the neighborhood. If someone has received a fair warning regarding a violation and chooses to disregard it without a valid reason, they must be held responsible for their actions.

Finally, the issue of bail has become a point of contention throughout the country. I have personally observed cases where individuals re-offend while out on bail, leading to multiple charges and more innocent victims. Those who continue to engage in criminal activity pose a threat to society and do not deserve additional chances. As such, I pledge to ensure that their bail reflects the severity of their offenses and disrespect of the law.

Ticket running on: Democrat and Republican

Occupation: Law enforcement officer

Experience: 15 years of Law Enforcement experience dealing directly with the local Magisterial District Judge office through all steps of the criminal and civil process.

I have authored hundreds of criminal complaints (charging documents) as well as search warrants all issued through the office of the MDJ.

I have worked alongside victim advocates, prosecutors, defense attorneys and district judges to seek justice for the victimized and hold accountable those who victimized them.

Dealing with the public face to face I have learned that I have been successful by treating everyone with dignity and respect, while being fair but firm.

If elected MDJ I will honorably serve our county with honor, loyalty, and integrity. I am honored to be given a chance to serve my county and play a small role in keeping our communities safe.


What makes you the best candidate for this position?

I have the most direct experience in the office of the MDJ. I have a deep working knowledge of the rules of criminal procedure and the laws of the Commonwealth. I have assisted landlords and tenants with various civil issues, typically referring them to the office of the MDJ. I have vast experience in leadership as a former Staff Sergeant in the Army and as a Patrol Sergeant in my police career. This experience will prove helpful in managing the office and insuring a smooth operation, working seamlessly with other offices both state and local.

I will be fair and impartial as I have been during hundreds of criminal investigations in my career, looking only at facts and not opinions.

What issues are priorities for you?

Upholding the Constitution and serving with honor and integrity, dispensing fair and impartial justice.

Ticket running on: Democrat and Republican

Occupation: Legal secretary

Experience: I am a lifelong Perry County resident, a 1988 graduate of West Perry High School. My Wilson family has been landholders in Perry County since 1755, going back 8 generations. My Gray family came from Scotland around 1780-85 and settled in the Sandy Hill District in 1801. I have worked in the legal field for more than 20 years. I studied criminal, civil, family, real estate, administrative and judicial law in college. I dispatched, ran background clearances, and performed statute research for law enforcement. I was certified in J-Net and NCIC. I have worked for private attorneys, dealing with criminal, civil, family, real estate, and contract law. I worked for our court system preparing files for central court and I assisted to ensure court cases ran smoothly. But, most importantly, I have worked in a Magisterial District Judge’s office, learning the aspects of the office with, admittedly, much more to learn. I was primarily the criminal clerk, but I also assisted in landlord tenant, traffic, non-traffic, civil cases under $12,000.00 and, issued warrants, truancy, expungements, assisted in bank deposits, setting up payment plans, and I know the MDJS computer system for the office. With my well-rounded background and knowledge, I can keep an open mind and hear the entire case presented in front of me. I hold the ability to see a case from various angles and perspectives. I understand the value of Integrity. I received my MDJ Board Certification training in June of 2022. I took the certification test on July 1, 2022, and received my MDJ Certificate on July 15, 2022. I also took the advanced week of MDJ training in December of 2022. I am prepared to step into this role and serve the community I have proudly been a part of for more than 52 years.

What makes you the best candidate for this position?:

I know the importance of keeping matters confidential and I know the importance of Ethics and I swear to maintain them both with confidence. I have a well-rounded background, as I have worked with all parties involved in case preparation: hudges, law enforcement, attorneys and clients. I will be impartial and fair. I will continue to educate myself in the field of law, so I can stay apprised of new laws and practices. I have a solid understanding of the court system and the MDJ office. I have made several friends and contacts in the Legal community. People that, I am confident, will always be there to answer any questions I may have, or any issues I may come across. I am passionate about this community and the people who live here. I have always felt compelled to look out for others…family, friends, co-workers, neighbors…and whoever may need me. I am strong in my convictions, my beliefs, and my moral obligations. I believe in earning my own place in society through hard work and education. I believe in helping those who cannot help themselves and I believe in distributing punishments that fit the crime. With that responsibility comes the ability to see the entire picture: what factors contributed to this, why did this occur, what is going on in this person’s life and do they have family and friends to assist them in their lives. I am willing to work hard for our community and put in the extra time and effort this position requires. To me, this would not just be a job, this would become a part of who I am, a part of what I want to be for the community I care about and want to see great things for its future…OUR future.

What issues are priorities for you?

I intend to make sure people are aware of the resources available to them. I want to make sure people are educated on these same resources as well. I would like to ensure people have access to these resources and a way to get the assistance they need without the anxiety and fear of being outcasts or looked down upon. This would include victims, witnesses and those that stand accused of wrongdoing. No one should ever fear getting the help they need, when they need it.

Ticket running on: Democrat and Republican

Occupation: paralegal

Experience: After graduating from West Perry High School in 1989, I attended and graduated from Central Penn College. I have worked for over 30 years as a paralegal. My first position was doing insurance defense work for workers compensation and commercial personal injury cases. After 7 years I moved on to a general practice law firm doing Plaintiff’s personal injury and family law. For the last 22 years, I have been employed at a general practice law firm in Carlisle where I have gained extensive experience in civil law, both contracts and general litigation matters, as well as protection from abuse, criminal, landlord/tenant, and municipal law matters. I am experienced in drafting and filing complaints, counterclaims, appeals, requests for Orders of Execution and requests for Orders of Possession. I research case law in support of and in opposition to the issue at hand as well as prepare the parties, witnesses and exhibits for the hearing. I am well familiar with the rules regarding evidence and witnesses which will be required of the Magisterial District Judge. Further, I work with various Magisterial District Judges and their office staff and constables in order to properly file the documents and serve the documents upon the opposing party. I manage an escrow account with funds in excess of $250,000.00. One of my strongest skills and something that I truly enjoy and excel at is assisting individuals in navigating the legal process and helping them through what can often feel overwhelming and confusing. Lastly, I am certified by the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania Minor Judiciary Education Board as a prospective Magisterial District Judge.


What makes you the best candidate for this position?:

Not only do I bring the best and most all around professional experience to the position, I also believe that my personal experiences throughout my life have prepared me extremely well to assume the role of Magisterial District Judge. I developed a very strong work ethic growing up and working on the Kenneth Morrow family dairy farm near Blain with my parents and two older brothers. My family, as well as my husband’s family, have deep roots in this area of the Perry County, our families both having resided here for over 6 generations. We have been committed to volunteering and community service within our churches, fire companies, and other local civic organizations. My husband and I have raised our four children in this district and we are very proud that they are all successful, responsible adults with homes and families of their own. My experiences in guiding, teaching and disciplining our children will also be helpful in this position when dealing with minors and young adults. One of the most important aspects of the position is knowing the citizens of your district in order to fairly and knowledgeably determine the appropriate decision. My long history in our district, outstanding work ethic, leadership and common sense will be valuable assets and are just a few of the personal characteristics that make me the best candidate for this position.

What issues are priorities for you?

I am looking forward to providing firm, fair, common-sense decisions and solutions for the cases and issues brought before the Magisterial District Court. I believe it is imperative that we have a nonbiased individual in the position who truly knows the citizens of the community. It is important that a member of the judiciary, no matter what level, not only listens to both parties but follows the law in issuing decisions and orders. We must know and feel confident that the Magisterial District Judge is not only honest and upstanding of character but also will be neutral in issuing decisions. The district judge is tasked with upholding and promoting the independence, integrity and impartiality of the position. It is also extremely important that the office of the Magisterial District Judge be operated efficiently and economically in order to save taxpayer money. The district judge must endeavor to resolve conflicts between citizens and keep our county safe and secure.

Ticket running on: Republican

Occupation: Construction inspection manager

Experience: My name is Angela Howell, candidate for Oliver Township Supervisor. I am a life-long resident of Newport area, mostly Oliver Township. I graduated from Newport High School. Married my late husband Dale “Pierre” and raised two sons, Brett Whitekettle and Matthew “Berk” Howell. I enjoy spending time with my family and friends.

I worked in state government 35 years in several organizations which provided me a good understanding of how state government operates. Prior to retirement, I worked for PennDOT, Bureau of Construction and Materials as prequalification officer. This experience afforded me the opportunity to interpret and apply regulations and policy when qualifying contractors for heavy highway construction. There were times I had to turn down contractor requests, but I offered alternatives where possible. During my career at PennDOT, I gained knowledge in contract administration, labor compliance, interpretation of specifications, and construction operations.

Currently, I work as a Construction Inspection Department manager for Michael Baker International. One of my key roles is hiring, managing, and supervising *inspection staff and ensuring inspectors obtain client-required certifications. Other responsibilities include preparing construction inspection proposals, coordinating with clients to provide qualified inspectors, managing project budgets, processing contract supplements for additional funding and time extensions.

Previously I was elected as treasurer for the Red Hill Church of God for 20 years and Red Hill Cemetery Association for 14 years. When fulfilling these roles, I was responsible for managing large amounts of money. I attended regularly scheduled meetings where I presented treasurer reports identifying income and expenditures for review and approval by the council members. Responsibilities included paying debts, preparing annual budgets, monitoring expenditures to remain with the budget, and preparing for financial audits.

What makes you the best candidate for this position?

I am confident that I am the best candidate for Oliver Township Supervisor for several reasons.

As a property owner and taxpayer, I share the same concerns as my family and friends when it comes to fiscal responsibility with accountability.

My work experience at PennDOT prequalifying contractors provides me knowledge when making difficult decisions when dealing with contractors. My current position with Michael Baker provides me with knowledge in contracting and managing large construction inspection projects.

I am self-motivated, possess strong communication and time management skills, am proficient at problem-solving, organized, and detail-oriented.

What issues are priorities for you?

As a life-long resident of Oliver Township, I share many of the same concerns and issues as my neighbors, friends, and family. My priorities will be focusing on fiscal responsibility with accountability on how taxpayer funds are expended. Listening to resident concerns and treating everyone with fairness and respect. Maintaining the nearly 21 miles of township road system to support public safety. And establishing regular office hours to conduct business.

With the goal of representing the constituents of Oliver Township when voting on issues that best serve them.

My personal skills, commitment, and experiences will prove to be of value and help in achieving my priorities of fiscal responsibility, fairness and respect for all, and public safety.

Ticket running on: Republican

This candidate did not submit to the 2023 primary election voters’ guide.

Ticket running on: Republican

This candidate did not submit to the 2023 primary election voters’ guide.

Ticket running on: Republican

This candidate did not submit to the 2023 primary election voters’ guide.

Ticket running on: Democrat and Republican

This candidate did not submit to the 2023 primary election voters’ guide.

Ticket running on: Democrat and Republican

This candidate did not submit to the 2023 primary election voters’ guide.

Ticket running on: Democrat and Republican

This candidate did not submit to the 2023 primary election voters’ guide.

Ticket running on: Republican

Occupation: Laborer – Wheatfield Township

Experience: Dexter L. Potter has deep roots in the Wheatfield Township community. He is the 5th generation living in Wheatfield Township and was instilled with the importance of serving his community from his family. His grandmother, Alice Potter, served as tax collector from 1983-2000, and his father, Lee Potter, also worked and volunteered in the township. Following in their footsteps, Dexter has worked for Wheatfield Township for the past 14 years and continues to dedicate his time by volunteering at the township’s monthly recycling program and spring clean-up. He also makes it a priority to consistently attend the township supervisors meetings.

In addition to his role in the township, Dexter has served on the board of the PA State Hunter Organization since 2013 and has been the 2nd Vice President since April 2022. He also has served as Council President of Logania Church of God since 2015.

What makes you the best candidate for this position?: Dexter L. Potter is a hard-working and dedicated candidate who values integrity. As supervisor, Dexter will ensure decisions are made for the benefit of the whole community.

What issues are priorities for you? As supervisor, he plans to keep taxes low, continue to support township programs such as recycling and spring clean-up, and ensure the safety and maintenance of the roads.

Ticket running on: Republican

This candidate did not submit to the 2023 primary election voters’ guide.

Ticket running on: Republican

Occupation: Homemaker

Experience: Employed at the PA Department of Revenue for 13 years. Retired as an IT business analyst department manager. I have 3 children that have and currently attend the West Perry School District. I have studied the PA Department of Education Academic, Achievement, Social Emotional Learning, Mental Health and Parental/Community Engagement guidelines in the ACT 45 certification. I have regularly attended school board meetings, Committee of the Whole meetings and Budget Committee meetings since September of 2021. I understand the role of a school board director and that the board governs by policy its policy.

What makes you the best candidate for this position?:

I have been actively attending and contributing to school board meetings since September 2021. I have been an advocate for the West Perry Community by studying, referencing and engaging the board in discussions about school board policy. I actively meet with several administrators to understand budget/finances, social and emotional learning curriculum and programming and the special needs programs. I have worked with the communications director to expand information on the website that is available to view. I have been administering a Facebook page called Free Speech WP where I and others provide information to the community and a platform for discussion. I understand that there needs to be a paradigm shift in the way our board and district work with the community. School board directors should understand the needs of the community. As parents are part of the community and by proxy parents know what their own children’s needs are, the board can understand how to best serve our students. I have been advocating for a West Perry Citizens Advisory Committee for a year and a half. I know the importance of such a group to give the community an official way to study school business and voice collective advice.

I have studied PA Dept of Education guidelines for assessing academic achievement and understand the importance of continuous monitoring and improvement of curriculum.

I have studied PA Dept of Education guidelines for mental health supports and serve on the district’s Special Needs Steering Committee.

I meet with the district’s business manager weekly to study and learn the budget and financial/funding implications.

If elected to the West Perry School Board I would work in my capacity to continuously monitor academic achievement, mental health support, and financial stability. I would work for all students, community members and district staff, no matter their personal beliefs.

What issues are priorities for you?

– Creating a West Perry Citizen Advisory Committee. I am the mom of a special needs child and serve on the WP Special Needs Steering Committee. This gives me a unique perspective on a teacher/para-professional’s role in our students’ education. I hold these people in the highest regard and will work to balance their needs with the needs of the community. A Citizen Advisory Committee is imperative to reaching this balance.

– Achieving academic excellence and continuous improvement of curriculum to challenge students.

– Using data to drive curriculum, discipline and Social Emotional Learning/Mental Health supports.

  • Making social emotional learning opt-in rather than opt-out.
  • Detailing on the district website, all building procedures available to students to officially change their name or gender during the school day.
  • Studying the feasibility of all students learning MS Office.

– Understanding and communicating all grant requirements to the community.

– Understanding the district budget/funding and communicating this in a meaningful way to the community.

– Conducting board self-assessments to ensure policies, procedures and governance are being followed and implemented correctly and fairly.

– Providing a survey tool and system to continuously seek thoughts of students, staff, parents and community.

– Serving all stakeholders in the West Perry Community to achieve academic excellence, financial success and create a school climate that attracts, supports and maintains our quality educators and student investment of their own school career.

Ticket running on: Republican

This candidate did not submit to the 2023 primary election voters’ guide.

Ticket running on: Republican

Occupation: Compliance officer

Experience: On a daily basis, I read and interpret laws and regulations in order to help co-workers create and implement controls, such as policies and procedures and audits and risk assessments, in order to help mitigate risk to the business. Because I work with many lines of business, I have to be very open in my communication. With this experience, I hope to work on preventative controls for the budget and open dialogue throughout the district.

Additionally, I am in touch with needs and issues of students, teachers and the community by speaking to various stakeholders and through my volunteer efforts. I am aware of the issues that are important.

What makes you the best candidate for this position?

I grew up in the West Perry School District, graduated from West Perry, and live in the district. I have 2 young children that attend New Bloomfield elementary for in person classes. I volunteer for school activities including the Special Olympics, the Christmas Shop, and I am active in the PTO. My children are also active in cub scouts. I’ve attended school board meetings and COW meetings over the last few years and have spoken to teachers and community members on important issues. I know this district from many points of view. I know it as a student, as a parent and as a taxpayer. I am willing to listen to everyone’s point of view and assess each situation after considering the following: circumstances and reasons behind the request, school policy, federal and state law, legal guidance, student’s needs and opinions, teacher and administration guidance, as well as parent and community opinions.

What issues are priorities for you?

The biggest priority for me is fulfilling the needs of the students where the district is able to. This means providing assistance with academic resources, basic necessities, and mental health resources, among others. In addition to meeting standard academic preparedness, this also means preparing students to enter a diverse society. I want to help prepare students for the future while balancing the needs of the teachers and the administration, being considerate of taxpayer’s money as well as parent and community values.

Another issue that is a priority is the cost of students attending cyber schools. I would like to see the district decrease costs in this area by focusing more on why some students are choosing cyber school and what the district can do to prevent losing more students to cyber school as well as what can be done to bring current cyber students back to attend in person classes.

Another priority of mine is helping to prevent misinformation that is being circulated and exploited regarding certain issues. I want people to feel they can come to the district with questions and then, after receiving information, formulate opinions based on facts instead of looking to social media sites for information.

Ticket running on: Republican

Occupation: Supervisor UPS

Experience: I have over a decade of experience working side by side, volunteering with and within school districts to reach the goals that benefit the district, the students, and the schools. I understand the need for good communication and relations between the school board and those they represent. Serving on PTO Schoolwide committees, as well as multiple school PTO’s and organizations. Spearheading committees such as a playground committee that organized, planned, received grants, and executed the development and installation of a playground on school grounds. I headed as well as coached and judged for an Odyssey of the Mind group. I also have some experience with homeschooling. Perspective is everything and the more perspective one has the better understanding they have. This will enable me to vote fairly for what is best for all those involved.


What makes you the best candidate for this position?

A school board director is to be a gatekeeper for what is allowed to pass through the doors into the school. I understand that this is an elected position and I will be the voice of the those whom I represent. A standard needs to be raised up against the agenda that do not have the children’s best interest at heart being pushed across the country’s school systems, and I will be that standard.

What issues are priorities for you?

The issues that are priorities to me are returning the focus to a proper education for all students, the curriculum, fiscal transparency and keeping indoctrination out of school. Returning common sense to math as well as to learning to read with proven programs. Focusing on the fundamentals and not allowing schools to become an indoctrination center. The children’s innocence is at stake and the nuclear family is under attack. Parents ultimately should be the decision makers for their minor children with the schools there as a support system. There is a great need for honesty, integrity, and transparency.

Ticket running on: Republican

Occupation: Director of household operations & child development associate

Experience: As a director of household operations, I know the importance of a sound balanced budget is to the long-term success of any entity. I am also aware of the impact that taxes cause to a family’s budget. I firmly believe raising taxes should be the absolute last option when a government entity such as a school district is working to balance a budget. As a child development associate, I have witnessed firsthand the effects of both appropriate and inappropriate educational material. Prior to becoming a child development associate and a director of household operations, I worked as an adjudicator for a government agency. That position taught me the importance of careful decision-making. I am aware that any decision I make as a school board director could have a significant impact on the community in part or as a whole (whether it be the students, their parents, the staff, and/or the taxpayers). As such, I will not take this responsibility lightly.

What makes you the best candidate for this position?

I have spent years watching several of our school directors make decisions that have been harmful to the children and their families within this community, without acknowledging the concerns raised from within the community. Some of these decisions appear to have been made in haste, and perhaps without the entire board being fully aware for what exactly they were voting. I will always do my due diligence and seek answers raised by myself or members of the community before making a binding decision.

Over the past few years, I have been studying the issues within our education system (poor test scores, teacher shortages and retention issues, parents’ rights, curriculum controversies, and increased burdens on the teacher to deal with mental and behavioral health issues in the classroom). A series of poor decisions (at various levels of government, not just school directors) may have brought about these issues but I believe school directors have the ability to favorably address these issues to the benefit of student academic performance. I believe that by engaging the entire community (parents, teachers, concerned taxpayers, etc), I, along with the other school directors, can make positive changes that will result in a school district of which we all can be proud.

What issues are priorities for you? Communication is a fundamental component to success. I will immediately support improved communication, transparency and open dialog between the board and all components of our community. Advisory committees composed of various members of the community can provide valuable avenues of communication and information. Sadly, poor teacher retention, as well as trendy (and dangerous) ideology within the curriculum is currently interfering with student academic achievement in our schools. I stand with parents and will work to protect their rights and their children. The amount of data mining within the schools should concern every community member.

New curriculum should be available for public review prior to purchase.

Current curriculum (including health, history and civics, and social emotional curriculums) should be evaluated for relevance and academic effectiveness. I will work to make West Perry academically competitive to surrounding school districts as well as the charter schools, in an effort to improve student and teacher retention. Academic performance has decreased but yet the amount of money spent per student has increased. This must change. School directors owe it to their electorate to respect the financial limitations of the community. There is not a “lack of funds” within the schools, but rather a lack of effective utilization of said funds. Students are at risk of graduating without the necessary skills to thrive as a young adult. As school director, I will work to ensure that our students have the best possible opportunity to graduate with the academic foundation necessary to be successful in their next ventures, without corrupting the core values of faith, family and freedom.

Ticket running on: Republican

Occupation: Retired Federal employee, part-time sales associate

Experience: I’ve been a resident and homeowner in the district since 1993. I’m a retired federal employee after 37 years at the Naval Depot in Mechanicsburg. During my service, I worked in all areas—public works, contracting, naval ordnance and finally In the technology department as customer IT support and contracting technical representative for over 2000 employees. I am currently working part-time as a sales associate at a local gift shop, Willow & Wildfire in Shermansdale. I am married and have 5 children, 4 of whom are West Perry graduates. I have family and friends who teach and work in the district and several grandchildren headed to West Perry so I’m very interested in what happens within the district. I served on the school board in 2008-2009 filling a vacancy mid-term, and it was a great learning experience! For more than 18 months I have become actively involved in keeping the community aware of the key issues the school board has been dealing with. I’ve been meeting weekly with the current district business manager to understand the district’s budget process and ask the tough questions to ensure the district is being good stewards of taxpayer dollars.

What makes you the best candidate for this position?

After seeing a huge shift in curriculum, a focus on social and emotional learning over academics and a disregard of parent and community concerns, I decided it was time for a change. The district’s financial situation is of great concern to me. There seems to be endless and needless spending with no regard to the impact of tax increases to property owners. Balancing the budget is key to providing the best education possible! I am running with the hope of bringing positive changes, inclusion of parent and community in decisions, transparency to everyone, and putting academics first which are issues that haven’t been focused on for a very long time! We need to focus on the loss of students to cyber schools and the impact that has to the district and budget. I would like to develop a teachers’ forum where we can hear their concerns and help address issues in a positive and proactive manner. However budget is probably my number one focus because that drives everything—balancing the budget while providing the best education possible is key to everything! Over the past 18 months I’ve been attending board meetings, meeting routinely with the business manager to gain a better understanding of the district’s budget and been keeping the community informed of these key issues that affect all of us. Having an understanding of the issues the district is facing and strong community ties as well as an advocate for our community is invaluable and a much-needed change for our board.

What issues are priorities for you?

— Putting the focus back on the core academics to prepare our students for academic success

— Fiscal stability and accountability

— Having transparency and open communication with all

— Protecting parental rights and family values

— Improve teacher and staff morale and retention

Ticket running on: Republican

Occupation: Systems architect

Experience: I graduated from Messiah University with my Bachelor’s degree in Education and I’ve been certified to teach in Pennsylvania, New York and New Jersey. For the past 22 years I have worked with K-12 public schools not only in PA but also in many other states across the US. In working with these districts, I have met with Administrators, Curriculum and Technology teams and have presented to school board directors as well. In Pennsylvania, I have worked with all 24 school districts and both of the career & technical schools in the Cumberland, Perry, Dauphin and Northern York counties. I’ve also worked with non-public schools and charter schools in these same areas.

I’ve also managed large and small teams, which required the ability to work with people with a wide range of abilities and mindsets. In order to successfully meet goals and deadlines I needed to keep motivation and morale high while at the same time addressing the needs and ideas of the team. More importantly I’ve needed to lead groups of people without being the manager. This takes a different skill set of building respect, having difficult conversations to bring the best results and keeping my composure when others disagree.

Lastly, besides working with kids as a teacher, I have also coached town soccer for more than 15 years. During that time, I’ve had the opportunity to help a multitude of kids gain the understanding that while they are all different, when they accept these differences and work together as a team they all have the ability to learn, grow and be successful.

What makes you the best candidate for this position?

I have a strong work ethic and I am diligent in preparing for my jobs. As a board member, I would invest the time necessary to prepare for board meetings, including reviewing items on the agenda and asking questions. I am an active listener and I would consider the viewpoint of others before making a final decision. In any role, I focus on finding solutions to solve issues and I consider the input of other stakeholders even if I disagree.

My experience assisting educational entities has given me a unique perspective on the myriad of issues that districts must address. I can use this experience as a school board director.

My education and early experience in the classroom provides me at least some perspective on what it was like to be in a teacher’s shoes. I will listen to teachers and administrators and trust their educational expertise as they identify needs of our district.

I also have a vested interest in the success of the district. I have a son in fifth grade at Blain Elementary and 8 nieces and nephews currently attending West Perry schools (and 3 more enrolling soon). I want to ensure that the educational programming at West Perry will provide my family, and all students, the skills they need to succeed, whether they are attending college, entering the workforce or learning a trade.

What issues are priorities for you?

I want to work to rebuild relationships and trust between school board members, school district employees and the community. Although we may disagree on the exact way to solve a problem, I believe it is important to discuss our issues and work together to find solutions. Compromise is often necessary, and so I will focus on trying to find common ground on any issues we face.

I’ll focus on establishing a board culture that encourages all stakeholders (community members, parents, teachers and administrators) to share their perspectives without fear of retribution or personal attacks.

I’ll work to ensure that students who attend West Perry have a safe environment in which to learn and an education that prepares them for the next phase of their life, regardless of whether it is college, career or trade.

As a taxpayer, I’ll also focus on fiscal responsibility and ensuring that the district is using funds wisely to benefit all students.

Ticket running on: Republican

This candidate did not submit to the 2023 primary election voters’ guide.

Ticket running on: Republican

This candidate did not submit to the 2023 primary election voters’ guide.

Ticket running on: Republican

This candidate did not submit to the 2023 primary election voters’ guide.

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