Cameron doesn’t deserve to represent Kentucky Republicans

Second Amendment

I have some major concerns regarding Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron. In his 2019 campaign, Cameron committed to serving two terms as attorney general, saying it’s what “the law enforcement community deserves.”

On May 11, 2022, Cameron filed the paperwork to declare his candidacy for governor. He had previously shown disapproval for those who used the AG’s office as a stepping stone to the governorship. Thus, negating the promise of an 8-year run as attorney general.

Can we believe any of his current promises?

His handling of the Breonna Taylor case was questionable. Cameron determined that there would be no charges against those involved in that horrific event. The federal government investigated determining that charges must be brought against those officers. A fact forgotten by those so enamored with him.

During the KET debate on May 1 of this year, Cameron began a personal attack by calling his opponent, former U.S. Ambassador Kelly Craft “desperate,” “naïve,” attempting to bring her husband into what should have been a debate on issues that mean the most to Kentuckians. When the personal attack led by Cameron began, another candidate, Eric Deters joined in the fray and they both fed upon each other.

Cameron is very vocal about his Christian values. How is treating another person with such contempt, especially a woman, a show of Cameron’s Christian values? How is a personal attack upon another candidate a show of Cameron’s Christian values? Should Daniel Cameron be given the honor of representing the proud Republicans of the Commonwealth of Kentucky?

Absolutely not.

Kathleen Black, Butler, Ky.

Republican lawmakers have disdain for the will of Ohio voters

Regarding, “Ohio House debates constitution question,” (May 5): I guess I shouldn’t be surprised at the furious backpedaling now underway by the GOP gang in Columbus regarding the restoration of August special elections − you know, the ones they just eliminated last year with the full support of Secretary of State Frank LaRose. This effort is apparently being undertaken for the sole purpose of derailing the Ohio abortion rights constitutional amendment which is on track to appear on the November ballot by increasing the threshold to pass such an amendment from 50% to 60%.  After all, it was largely this same crowd who repeatedly defied not only the will of Ohio voters but numerous orders from the state Supreme Court in 2022 to abolish the absurdly contrived, gerrymandered voting districts they established for the sole purpose of protecting their own interests. 

There has been recent interest in the poor driving records of some Ohio legislators, some of whom ignore the very laws they voted to enact. But to me, the state GOP’s utter disdain for the will of Ohioans (the majority of whom support reasonable access to abortion services as well as neutrally drawn voting district maps) they are elected to represent, is a far more egregious failure of responsibility.

But maybe I’m just naïve.

Katie Whelan, East End

Bengals should still be focused on improving offensive line

In the Sunday, April 30 Enquirer, multiple sports articles stressed the Bengals’ emphasis on defensive of players, which I certainly understand. However, the Bengals are at the bottom of the pecking order in the NFL draft because of the number of games they won. They won those games because of Joe Burrow. Unfortunately, he happens to be the most sacked quarterback in the NFL. If Burrow is not healthy, the team will not produce a championship performance. So why is not the Bengals’ emphasis on developing a steel-like offensive line that can protect their most vulnerable asset? They lost him once to injury, and I think they should have learned from that.

Stewart B. Dunsker, Madisonville

No good argument against requiring ID to vote

I know that I perplex, and even sometimes infuriate, my friends because I’m one of those dreaded independent voters. I have a relative who even jokingly (I think) calls me Mr. Wishy-Washy, but I prefer to think that I look at both sides of an issue, analyze the pros and cons, and then come to the commonsense conclusion. Be that as it may, there’s one issue that I don’t think has two sides and that’s voter ID.

We all know that you need one to board a commercial airline, to purchase liquor and the list goes on and on. So why shouldn’t you need one to vote? With voter “fraud” being one of the issues of the day, you could eliminate the potential for virtually all of that by requiring an ID. If you don’t have a driver’s license, most states will now give you a form of free ID that is an acceptable substitute, so that’s no longer an excuse.

The bottom line: How is requiring an ID denying lower-income citizens the right to vote?

Reese Miller, Anderson Township

Ramaswamy has just what voters are looking for − common sense

The underdog candidate for president on the Republican side, Vivek Ramaswamy, got it exactly right the other day when he said: “Dress how you want, behave as you want as an adult, live your life freely, but leave our kids alone and do not demand that we change our language or the way we live our lives. We can live peacefully that way.” This is the first candidate from either party who, in my opinion, has succinctly explained how we can bring our divided culture together. As a registered independent, I’m going to listen to this unknown’s views on the other issues of the day because maybe he’s just what we’ve been looking for − a man with basic common sense.

Sally Smithson, Walnut Hills

Landsman knows how to win for good

Dan Sewell’s May 7 column opened with, “When new U.S. Rep. Greg Landsman of Cincinnati got the news about fatal shootings of school children in Nashville, his emotions shot up high: raw, angry, frustrated.” And that he tweeted, “Ban these f***ing weapons and get them out of our country.”

Landsman complained about his 13-term Republican predecessor, Steve Chabot, who “… generally went along with what the powerful National Rifle Association lobbyists wanted from politicians.”

In the lengthy column, Landsman argued against guns, but absolutely not one word is found regarding why we have all this brand-new anger. How can he complain about guns when it is angry fingers that are pulling the triggers?

My experience is that prior to the 1960s, criminals used guns and were put in jail when caught. But starting with the Democratic Party’s “hands up not hands out” care that grew to trillions of dollars a year in “hands out” policies that has bought his party piles of votes but put America in deep debt . . . and made poor people angry . . . because of “greedy rich people” . . . they are not treated fairly.

Without a doubt, Mr. Landsman’s political party is winning. Responsible rural areas that do not need their hand-outs are losing participation in government because hand-outs are growing urban populations that enjoy majority rule. Any thought of requiring 60% approval for changes of any kind can be forgotten. One-party rule is glowing in their headlights.

But I have to ask − When finally sitting in the cat-bird seat, will Democrats decide to calm the angry fingers? Ironically, they have no say on guns − 75% of the states must vote to change the Second Amendment that has made guns legal for over 200 years.

Randy McKnight, Clifton

Age and term limits for politicians would benefit the country

If your life expectancy was 20 years further into the future you would be less likely to drag the country into a nuclear confrontation – especially regarding some distant territory of marginal consequence. A younger president would probably be less inclined to run up additional debt as their generation would be expected to make the sacrifices to pay it off. In conclusion, age limits for the president and term limits for Congress would benefit the country.

Jon Schoettmer, Mt. Washington                                                         

Mexico should address migrants crossing its border

When the migrants cross the border from Mexico to the United States, they are not all from Mexico. Many of them are coming from Central America, and some are even coming from South America. Why is Mexico not doing any thing about the migrants coming across their southern border?

Terrie Pullen, Cold Spring

GOP’s mental illness gambit doesn’t hold water with mass shootings

The mass shooting at a Texas shopping mall last week prompted Gov. Greg Abbott to assure his fellow Texans there would be no new efforts to limit access to firearms in the Lone Star state. Texas Republican Keith Self blamed this and other mass shootings on the lack of adequate mental health resources. Yes, people who are truly mentally ill do commit crimes, including murder. But the mental health gambit doesn’t hold much water since most mass shootings stem from hate, anger, alienation or political extremism, not mental illness.

Furthermore, no one has been able to explain how authorities will be able to identify a mentally ill person and get them into treatment before they commit mass murder. In effect, both Abbott and Self gave little more than lip service to the families and friends of those who were killed. That isn’t very much, but it will be up to the people in Texas to send them that message.

Robert Sharkey, West Chester          

Organizers chose awful location for Taste of Cincinnati

I was surprised to read in the Enquirer that A Taste of Cincinnati will return to 5th Street. I attended one on 4th Street and that was enough for me. Who made the decision to move it

I was surprised to see in the Enquirer today that A Taste of Cincinnati will return to 5th street. I attended one on 4th street and that was enough for me. Who made the decision to move it to 4th Street and why? I can only guess that it had something to do with money. 

Fourth Street was an awful location. There’s nothing like holding a street fair in a treeless and shadeless location next to an expressway. Must be groupthink. More than five unbiased people need to be consulted in decisions affecting the city.

Keith Kombrinck, Green Hills

Flying Pig organizers should have postponed the race

The organizers of the Flying Pig marathon should be ashamed of not postponing the race Sunday morning. You knew the storms were on the radar, and yet, you did nothing to postpone or reschedule the race. As a volunteer at the race, I can firmly say that there was no clear communication on the “shelter in place,” and runners on the course had no idea either. While stationed at Eden Park, lightning struck around me multiple times. How was this a safe environment to run in? Was it truly not possible to push the race back an hour or two?

To the runners who finished, I commend you. I hope the organizers take volunteer and runner safety into consideration going forward.

Frank Metzmeier, Westwood

Flying Pig was magical despite the weather

Thanks to everyone who made the Flying Pig possible Sunday! Race director Iris Simpson-Bush made the correct decision to start the race on time. It was raining, we ran in water up to our calves, and we made it.

Thanks to the hundreds of volunteers who made this marathon possible, standing in the rain, giving us water, etc. Thanks to the fans who gave us cookies, candy, etc. Thanks to my husband for being my support team for 25 years.

Despite the weather it was a magical day!

Jennifer Black, Loveland

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