NRA Head Wayne LaPierre Announces Resignation Ahead Of Civil Trial

Second Amendment

Wayne LaPierre announced that he is resigning as head of the National Rifle Association and will formally step down on January 31.

“With pride in all that we have accomplished, I am announcing my resignation from the NRA,” LaPierre said in a statement. “I’ve been a card-carrying member of this organization for most of my adult life, and I will never stop supporting the NRA and its fight to defend Second Amendment freedom. My passion for our cause burns as deeply as ever.”

His surprise resignation comes just a few days before the start of a civil trial in New York, accusing LaPierre and three other NRA executives of violating non-profit laws and diverting NRA funds to line their own pockets.

New York Attorney General Letitia James filed the lawsuit in 2020, accusing executives at the non-profit organization of creating “a culture of self-dealing, mismanagement, and negligent oversight.”

James, who previously called the NRA a “terrorist organization,” tried to have the non-profit dissolved. Those efforts were shut down in 2022 by a state court that determined the allegations justified “less intrusive relief.”

The NRA said the 74-year-old cited health reasons for his decision to step down.

NRA Head of General Operations Andrew Arulanandam will take over as interim CEO & EVP of the organization.

“I have enormous confidence in our board of directors, executive leadership team, and my long-time colleague Andrew Arulanandam. Andrew knows every facet of this organization and has stood shoulder-to-shoulder with me in every arena imaginable. Andrew knows how to help the NRA win – he’s been one of the key authors of our playbook for decades,” LaPierre said.

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