500-plus health care professionals join call for gun safety reform

Second Amendment

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Joe Anderson, a pediatrician, is the advocacy chair of the Maine Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics and a founder of Maine Providers for Gun Safety.

It has been three months since I experienced my greatest professional fear: responding to a mass shooting in my home state of Maine. In the days that followed, a small group of fellow pediatricians founded the group Maine Providers for Gun Safety. Since that time, we authored and have been collecting signatures on the letter below. We currently have more than 500 physicians and other health professionals who have joined us in the call for meaningful legislation to address the gun violence crisis. A list of current signatories can be found on our website maineprovidersforgunsafety.com/sign-our-letter.

In the wake of the devastating events in Lewiston on Oct. 25, the undersigned healthcare providers of Maine call on our elected local, state, and federal officials to take immediate and decisive action to address firearm safety. Our hearts ache for the families and friends of those killed or injured, and we grieve alongside them. We are overwhelmed at the thought of our incredible emergency responders and healthcare workers who performed their duties with skill and compassion in the face of chaos and terror. Despite our sadness and shock, we are standing together today, a unified force, to demand change.

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