Norfolk should pause traffic signal plan and gather real data – The Virginian-Pilot

Second Amendment

Re “Norfolk should pump its brakes on traffic signal plan” (April 1): As a Larchmont homeowner since 1997, I support Michael Crockett’s well-researched, cogent guest column. My wife and I attended the civic league meeting where the city’s presentation failed to provide a data-driven, evidence-based justification for this elaborate, problematic project. The absence of historical traffic and safety data seemed a most egregious omission. Many of those who spoke in favor of the plan cited only personal anecdotes and assumptions to support their opinions. Cause-effect-solution dialogue did not happen.

The city representatives seemed surprised by the citizens’ descriptions of unintended consequences on traffic and safety on Jamestown Crescent and neighborhood side streets.

My wife and I join Crockett’s admonition for the Norfolk City Council to put a hard stop on this project, either indefinitely or pending a more thorough analysis of real data, potential consequences and risk mitigation strategies. The city has better options for the nearly $1 million expenditure.

Michael Krentz, Norfolk

Re “Gov. Youngkin makes it harder for the formerly incarcerated to regain full citizenship” (Our Views, April 1): People who have been imprisoned for violent or nonviolent felonies should not have barriers to voting. Young adults make mistakes that affect their futures, and they pay the price while imprisoned. Upon release, these people are expected to be positive contributors to society. They get jobs and automatically become tax-paying citizens, so they should automatically gain their civil right to vote.

Black and brown men make up majority of the prison population in the U.S. Many of these men are released and go on to be productive members of society. Under Gov. Glenn Youngkin’s administration, these men will have to fill out an application to regain something that should be automatically theirs. Filling out an application for a basic right that is afforded to you as a U.S citizen is unacceptable. People make mistakes and learn from them.

Taquita Parker, Suffolk

Re “Climate report offers stark warning” (March 21): The United Nations recently issued a report stating that “nations will need to make an immediate and drastic shift away from fossil fuels to prevent the planet from” dangerously overheating in the next decade. It says industrial nations will have to slash greenhouse gases in half by 2030 and stop adding carbon dioxide to the atmosphere altogether by 2050.

This can only be achieved if governments at all levels do their part. Specifically cities and counties must do the following: convert their fleet to battery-powered; put solar panels on the roofs of every building; install LED light bulbs in every building, parking lot and street light; and finally, plant more trees. Some cities have already started doing this, but they must do more. As the U.N. report says, immediate and drastic action is needed. So I challenge every city council and board of supervisors in Hampton Roads to reduce its greenhouse gases in half by 2030 and eliminate them completely by 2050. If this is done, it will save the planet from overheating and future generations from much misery.

David M. Grochmal, Sierra Club Virginia Chapter, Chesapeake Bay Group chair, Virginia Beach

Re “N.C. House passes bill prohibiting ‘critical race theory’; Democrats warn of ‘chilling effect’ on teachers” (March 23): This has been an ongoing issue for a while now, and it’s getting out of hand. Personally, for me it’s an issue because we all know the truth and the real reason why critical race theory should be taught in schools. The history portion of education that our African American students have to sit through is very disrespectful and disgraceful to our race. As children we are taught the differences, between right and wrong, however in places we are supposed to learn about our so-called great history, we are being lied to while being made to learn a plethora of untruths and deception, created by our white counterparts, go figure.

Instead of publishing untruths about why it shouldn’t be taught in our schools, try pointing out the facts on critical race theory and how it would actually be helpful, not only for students of color, but also our white counterparts, so they would be knowledgeable about what their ancestors have done and learn why mainly white people don’t want it taught.

Ricardo Barnes, Suffolk



The week’s top opinion content and an opportunity to participate in a weekly question on a topic that affects our region.

Why has the church been silent on the issue of gun control? Blood has been spilled and members killed in synagogues, mosques, sanctuaries and other places of worship, and yet the church remains silent on the issues of gun control. Don’t the innocent victims have the right to life, just like those who say that the Second Amendment gives them the right to keep and bear arms? It’s time for the church to take a stand and speak out and interrupt the silence on gun control. Who is the moral authority of our society? The church or the National Rifle Association?

Winfred Thomas, Norfolk

Dear former, twice-impeached President Donald Trump,

“Merry Indictmas.”

Sincerely, true patriotic Americans.

P.S. Acetone works great for removing ink from your fingertips.

Patrick Blake, Virginia Beach

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