Month: January 2022

There have been some great communicators in American politics, people who can enthrall an audience with their wit, their wisdom and their way of speaking. Lincoln. Bryant. FDR. Kennedy. King. Reagan. And now…Lauren Boebert? No, not Boebert. But don’t tell that to the GOP’s House Freedom Caucus, which on January 20 elected Colorado’s 3rd Congressional
By DON THOMPSON SACRAMENTO — Two California counties violated the Constitution’s right to keep and bear arms when they shut down gun and ammunition stores in 2020 as nonessential businesses during the coronavirus pandemic, a federal appeals court ruled. Officials in Los Angeles and Ventura counties had separately won lower court decisions saying gun stores
Today in History for January 22nd Highlights of Today in History: U.S. Supreme Court legalizes abortion; Theodore Kaczynski pleads guilty; Queen Victoria dies; “The Crucible” opens;”Laugh-In” premieres. AP With political pundits predicting that Democratic incumbent U.S. Rep. Tom Malinowski is facing a rough fight for reelection because New Jersey’s 7th District was redrawn to favor the
Two California counties were ruled to have violated their citizens’ Second Amendment rights by shutting down gun shops during the COVID-19 pandemic. A Thursday ruling by a three-judge panel on the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals determined orders by officials in Ventura and Los Angeles counties that deemed gun retailers “nonessential businesses” to be illegal,
A bill that would strengthen Pennsylvania’s preemption statute and further prevent local governments from adopting their own gun control, passed a Senate Committee this week.  The Senate Judiciary Committee voted to advance House Bill 979 on a 9 to 5 vote Wednesday.  This legislation strengthens preemption, preventing municipalities from creating a patchwork of local gun
After two years of opposition from Governor Holcomb’s administration and stonewalling by the Republican-controlled Senate and President Pro Tempore Rod Bray, Hoosier’s are demanding action on Lawful Carry legislation, also known as Constitutional Carry. Last year, the Senate Judiciary Committee, chaired by Senator Liz Brown, refused to take up similar legislation, which passed the House
The woman leading civil and criminal inquiries into Donald Trump’s business empire, his family’s real estate holdings and the former president’s flagship properties has unveiled the clearest picture yet of one of the several cases involving the former president and his family, stemming from years of allegations about his inflated wealth. Entering her third year
A federal appeals court ruled on Thursday that two California counties violated the constitutional right to keep and bear arms when they shut down gun and ammunition stores during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. The National Rifle Association and other pro-gun groups sued the state in March 2020 (pdf) over the shutdowns after gun and ammunition stores were
Christian Sundquist, a professor at Pitt’s School of Law, said the brokenness of the criminal justice system can be seen in the “divergent” rulings of three recent trials — Kyle Rittenhouse, Ahmaud Arbery’s killers and prominent organizers of the 2017 “Unite the Right” rally. Sundquist said defendants in cases of racially motivated violence are able
A federal appeals court ruled Thursday that two California counties that shut down gun stores as nonessential businesses in 2020 due to the coronavirus pandemic violated the Constitution’s Second Amendment.  Los Angeles and Ventura county officials had previously won lower court decisions stating that gun stores were not immune from shutdown orders established early in the
SACRAMENTO (AP) — Two California counties violated the Constitution’s right to keep and bear arms when they shut down gun and ammunition stores in 2020 as nonessential businesses during the coronavirus pandemic, a federal appeals court ruled Thursday. Officials in Los Angeles and Ventura counties had separately won lower court decisions saying gun stores were not exempt
Fairfax, Va. – The Ninth Circuit sided with the National Rifle Association Institute for Legislative Action (NRA-ILA) on Thursday when it struck down a Los Angeles County order that forced gun stores and shooting ranges to close in 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic. NRA-ILA originally challenged this order in March of 2020, and filed an
On Thursday, January 20th, the Assembly Appropriations Committee will consider Assembly Bill 311, to further restrict “precursor” parts from being sold at gun shows by licensed vendors. AB 311 passed the Assembly Public Safety Committee last year and was held in the Appropriations Committee. Please contact committee members and ask them to OPPOSE AB 311. Assembly Bill 311 prohibits