Month: February 2023

[ad_1] In a Republican supermajority, Florida lawmakers are advancing bills that would remove mandatory training and fees to carry concealed weapons. So-called “permitless carry” has raised alarming new concerns among many Democrats, gun-control advocates and some law-enforcement officials. Leon County Sheriff Walt McNeil said he doesn’t support the measures because interacting with people carrying weapons
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[ad_1] “Gun Owners of America” buttons sold in Lansing, Mich., on Sept. 27, 2022, during the group’s annual rally. (Photo by Rebecca Cook/AFP via Getty Images) Gun Owners of America belatedly disclosed a record $3.3 million on federal lobbying in 2022, a new OpenSecrets analysis found. The “no compromise gun lobby” group was the only
[ad_1] The Rand Corporation has put a death toll on last year’s gun-rights Supreme Court ruling, calculating that more permissive concealed-carry permit laws would lead to at least 150 additional firearms deaths each year. In new research released Thursday, Rand modeled combinations of state gun laws to calculate their relative lethality, and came up with
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[ad_1] Earlier today, the New Hampshire House held the last of several floor votes on three anti-gun bills. Thanks to the strong support of NRA members and Second Amendment supporters, the bills were defeated and will not move forward this session.  NRA-ILA would like to thank all of those Representatives who defended the Second Amendment
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[ad_1] Democrats are arguing amongst themselves over the location of the 2024 Democratic Convention, citing concerns that Georgia’s gun laws will fail to protect attendees, according to the New York Times. Lawmakers in Chicago, Illinois, and Atlanta, Georgia, are deep in debate over the 2024 national convention, with Illinois lawmakers concerned that Georgia gun laws
[ad_1] (The Center Square) — The South Carolina House has passed a constitutional carry law, allowing residents to carry a firearm without a permit. H.3594, the South Carolina Constitutional Carry/Second Amendment Preservation Act of 2023, maintains the federal background check requirements to purchase a firearm and the concealed weapons permit process for reciprocity carry in
[ad_1] LANSING — Michigan House Democrats joined their Senate colleagues in the introduction of legislation which is intended to encourage gun safety and help prevent acts of violence like the shooting that took place last week at Michigan State University, legislative leaders announced Tuesday. “Gun violence has touched the lives of countless Americans. I personally
[ad_1] The West Virginia House of Delegates voted 84-13 on Feb. 22 to approve a bill that prohibits the state’s public colleges and universities from banning licensed gun holders from carrying their firearms on campus.  With the West Virginia Senate already passing Senate Bill 10, the Campus Self-Defense Act, by a vote of 29-4 on
[ad_1] COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) — The Republican-controlled South Carolina House voted overwhelmingly Wednesday to allow lawful firearm owners to carry handguns… COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) — The Republican-controlled South Carolina House voted overwhelmingly Wednesday to allow lawful firearm owners to carry handguns openly or concealed without a state permit. The 90-30 vote brings the conservative state
[ad_1] Tomorrow, the Senate Civil Rights, Judiciary and Public Safety Committee is scheduled to meet, weather permitting. They will hear three gun control bill packages: to criminalize private transfers, require firearms be made unavailable for self-defense, and allow Second Amendment rights to be suspended without due process. Please contact committee members and ask them to
[ad_1] Sen. Dianne Feinstein announced last week that she will not run for reelection, sounding the official starting gun for the 2024 campaign to succeed her in the Senate. As the race gets going, it probably makes sense to ask a fundamental question: What should Californians be looking for in their next U.S. Senator? Feinstein’s storied career offers some clues.
[ad_1] Submit your letter to the editor via this form. Read more Letters to the Editor. Firing of Oaklandchief was justified The firing of Oakland Police Chief LeRonne Armstrong was justified by an investigator’s findings that he failed to properly supervise a probe of a police officer’s misconduct and his claim of lack of awareness
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[ad_1] The Wyoming House will vote soon on a pro-Second Amendment bill, SF 148, that enhances the current firearm preemption laws. In other words, SF 148 ensures the Wyoming state legislature has the sole authority to regulate firearms, preventing counties and municipalities from passing a patchwork of confusing and conflicting local laws throughout the state.  States that have repealed firearm
[ad_1] West Virginia lawmakers passed an NRA-backed bill that will allow concealed carry permit holders to carry their firearms on the campuses of state colleges and universities.  “The National Rifle Association applauds the West Virginia Legislature’s passage of NRA-backed campus carry,” NRA West Virginia State Director Art Thomm told Fox News Digital on Tuesday.  “There
[ad_1] Recently, plans have come to light for certain school districts in Rhode Island, a state that bans firearm registries by statute, to require parents to make declarations about privately-owned firearms when registering their children for school. Besides its tension with existing law and obvious irrelevance to the schools’ educational mission, this move risks stigmatizing
[ad_1] Following his State of the Union (SOTU) speech earlier this month, in which President Joe Biden yelled, “Band [sic] ‘assault weapons’ now!”, the president predictably included the same demand last week in remarks at the National Association of Counties legislative conference. “I’m gonna say something that’s always controversial but there is no rationale for
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