[ad_1] Last week, Donald Trump tweeted that the “Suburban Housewives of America” should read an article. Apparently, he thinks everyone in our country lives in some version of a TV reality show and that the rest of us read as little as he does. The citizens of Delaware County have one of the highest levels
[ad_1] Each candidate was asked to answer the following question: What challenges will you face in your elected office because of the pandemic and how can they be addressed? Each candidate was asked to answer the following question: What challenges will you face in your elected office because of the pandemic and how can they
[ad_1] HILLSDALE — Whether Hillsdale and Branch County voters head to the polls for Michigan’s Aug. 4, 2020 Primary Election or vote by mail, they won’t be picking only local or federal candidates. They’ll also be casting a vote for someone to replace third-term state Rep. Eric Leutheuser, whose current term of office expires Dec.
[ad_1] DATE: July 31, 2020 TO: USF & NRA Members and Friends FROM: Marion P. Hammer USF Executive Director NRA Past President Wake up America! Do you get it yet? Do you understand what the gun ban proponents are trying to do? They want to ban your guns and abolish
[ad_1] Palin’s complaint hinges on some bad journalism. On June 14, 2017, James Hodgkinson, a supporter of Bernie Sanders, opened fire on GOP congressmen — including Rep. Steve Scalise (La.) —during a baseball practice in Virginia. New York Times editorial staffers got to work, determining how they would weave the event into larger points about
[ad_1] Candidates in contested township board races in Ionia and Montcalm counties were asked the following questions: 1. Name, age and city/village/township of residence? 2. Current employment (or former employment, if retired)? 3. What qualifications do you have that would effectively serve and benefit your district if you are elected to this position? 4. What
[ad_1] The death of Herman Cain, attributed to the coronavirus, has made Republicans and President Trump face the reality of the pandemic as it hit closer to home than ever before, claiming a prominent conservative ally whose frequently dismissive attitude about taking the threat seriously reflected the hands-off inconsistency of party leaders. Mr. Cain, a
[ad_1] History—including Delaware’s—proves it Every vote counts.” We’ve all heard that patriotic rallying cry from nearly every candidate who has ever run for local, state, or national office. But does it? Does it matter if you, as an individual citizen, bother to vote? The answer is yes, and you need look no further than the
[ad_1] ANALYSIS/OPINION: Illinois Democrats were outraged earlier this summer when the Trump administration decided to send federal agents from the FBI, The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) and the Department of Homeland Security to Chicago in an effort to help local police reduce the Windy City’s escalating murder rate. Between May 25 and
[ad_1] “What Trump is doing now — and I think this is part of his motivation — is to portray cities as dystopic hubs of illegality and crime. And there’s a heavy racial component to that,” said David Axelrod, a longtime Chicago resident and senior adviser to President Barack Obama. “I think it’s a strategy
[ad_1] Most Monroe County elected official races are uncontested within a party or the incumbent is currently the only candidate. The most prominent race among countywide offices this primary election season is a Democratic face-off in the race for Monroe County Clerk/Register of Deeds. Most other races are uncontested within a party or the incumbent
[ad_1] It’s time for the conservative movement to embrace something we’re generally opposed to — divorce. We need to break up with Big Tech, or at least cut their purse strings. We wouldn’t expect the pro-life movement to take funding from Planned Parenthood. The NRA wouldn’t take cash from the gun grabbers. And we wouldn’t
[ad_1] Tim Walberg is the sole Republican, Gretchen Driskell is the sole Democrat, in the Michigan 7th Congressional District election. This is among the election announcements and previews you can find at The Monroe News’ election section. U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Incumbent Republican U.S. Rep. Tim Walberg is unopposed in his primary bid for re-election
[ad_1] Bolt action rifles sit on display at the Remington Arms Co. booth at the National Rifle Association annual meeting in 2015 in Nashville, Tenn. Daniel Acker/Bloomberg via Getty Images hide caption toggle caption Daniel Acker/Bloomberg via Getty Images Bolt action rifles sit on display at the Remington Arms Co. booth at the National Rifle
[ad_1] FILE PHOTO: Gun enthusiasts inspect Remington shotguns during the annual National Rifle Association (NRA) convention in Dallas, Texas, U.S., May 5, 2018. REUTERS/Lucas Jackson (Reuters) – Remington Arms Co on Monday filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection for the second time in two years as the U.S. gunmaker faced financial troubles partly because some
[ad_1] U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s stunning speech on the House floor last week has been called “a comeback for the ages,” “the most important feminist speech in a generation” and “a lesson in sexism and decency.” I just call it “truth.” Responding to an incident on the steps of the U.S. Capitol in which Rep.
[ad_1] The Rev. Al Sharpton was among dozens of mourners who on Monday attended the funeral service for Davell Gardner Jr., the adorable 22-month-old toddler who was tragically shot dead in his stroller by a stray bullet during a family cookout at a New York City playground. Gwen Carr, the mother of slain Black man
[ad_1] Contact your Assembly Member today! Today, July 27th, the California Legislature reconvened from the extended summer recess. As you recall, just prior to recess, the California Assembly sent AB 88, the Public Safety Budget Trailer Bill that was riddled with anti-gun language, back to the Senate for additional work. Unfortunately, when it comes to gun
[ad_1] Today, at 7:30PM, the Falls Church City Council will consider banning firearms in certain public locations. Second Amendment supporters are encouraged to email public comments to cityclerk@fallschurchva.gov in order to OPPOSE the proposed new Section 2-211 to the City Code. The meeting will be conducted remotely by video conference. You may click here for
[ad_1] The next batch of campaign finance reports are due Thursday from the two Republican candidates vying to replace Northwest Georgia’s Congressman Tom Graves. Marjorie Taylor Greene and Dr. John Cowan have each reported taking in over $1 million so far during their bids to win the nomination. The winner of the Aug. 11 runoff
[ad_1] News broke this week that former Microsoft CEO and current owner of the Los Angeles Clippers NBA franchise, Steve Ballmer, has donated $7 million dollars to Michael Bloomberg’s gun control umbrella group, Everytown for Gun Safety. Put another way, a tech and sports titan reportedly worth over $72 billion is giving a media titan reportedly worth
[ad_1] In response to a public expression of lawful political speech, “safety officers” come to the person’s home at midnight to interrogate him. He is accused of intimidation, making threats, hate crimes, and disorderly conduct. He is found guilty and his punishment includes exclusion from the community, suspension of his academic privileges, a ban on
[ad_1] In response to a public expression of lawful political speech, “safety officers” come to the person’s home at midnight to interrogate him. He is accused of intimidation, making threats, hate crimes, and disorderly conduct. He is found guilty and his punishment includes exclusion from the community, suspension of his academic privileges, a ban on
[ad_1] Much like the rest of the country, Virginians have been buying firearms at a tremendous pace. According to data from the Virginia State Police, there was a 158 percent increase in firearm transactions in June 2020 when compared with June 2019. This came after a nearly 100 percent increase in May 2020 over May
[ad_1] News broke this week that former Microsoft CEO and current owner of the Los Angeles Clippers NBA franchise, Steve Ballmer, has donated $7 million dollars to Michael Bloomberg’s gun control umbrella group, Everytown for Gun Safety. Put another way, a tech and sports titan reportedly worth over $72 billion is giving a media titan
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[ad_1] The federal government has also threatened to deploy federal forces in Baltimore, Detroit, New York, Oakland and Philadelphia — all of which have large Black populations. The White House has specifically cited gun violence in African-American communities and the threat of damage to federal property as an excuse for the increased military presence. And
Jul 25, 2020 at 3:03 PM
The NRA Foundation has awarded the Benavides Police Department another grant for $2,790 to fund additional equipment for their department. “We have developed a relationship with the NRA and are excited that they continue to invest in what we are doing here in Benavides” said Benavides Police
[ad_1] Twenty-five years ago, former president George H.W. Bush quit the National Rifle Association over a fundraising letter which referred to federal law enforcement as “jackbooted thugs.” This delighted the media elites then. The script has flipped. Now the term is welcomed by left-wing media outlets. Several times this week, MSNBC host Brian Williams has
[ad_1] Sign up for our COVID-19 newsletter to stay up-to-date on the latest coronavirus news throughout New York Musician and outspoken conservative activist Ted Nugent will no longer appear at tomorrow’s planned “Back the Blue Demonstration” in Eisenhower Park, following backlash by community members and local elected officials. Nugent, 71, was originally invited to sing