Month: December 2021

The Constitution does NOT give you the right to UNREGULATED gun ownership, and our lawmakers DO have the power, and the right, to ban assault style weapons, semi-auto handguns, extended capacity magazines, and other firearm paraphernalia from being sold to civilians. They also have the authority to regulate the circumstances under which firearms are sold
Democratic New York Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has mocked the Christmas photo shared by Colorado Republican Representative Lauren Boebert, in which she poses with her children holding firearms. Ms Boebert is the second member of the GOP to release a Christmas family photo that includes firearms for the whole family. “The Boeberts have your six, @RepThomasMassie!
Yesterday, the U.S. House of Representatives approved a revised version of the FY22 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), the annual defense bill that directs funding for our nation’s military. The two anti-gun provisions that were included in an earlier version were removed from the final House-passed bill.  The first provision, led by Rep. Jackie Speier
Colorado Republican Representative Lauren Boebert tweeted a Christmas photo posing with her children holding guns. Ms Boebert is the second member of the GOP to release a Christmas family photo that includes multiple firearms. “The Boeberts have your six, @RepThomasMassie! (No spare ammo for you, though),” Ms Boebert tweeted on Tuesday night. Kentucky Republican Representative
The surprise resignation of Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo instantly upended the 2022 governor’s race in New York, opening the floodgates for a rush of candidates vying for the state’s highest office after more than a decade with Mr. Cuomo at the helm. At least seven candidates have formally begun campaigns for governor, the most powerful
A sad fact about gun control politics is that if you are cynical enough you can darn near see the future. Consider this NRA-ILA item from November 8, titled, “NBC News Tattletale Alerts Secret Service to “Let’s go Brandon” AR-15 Receiver.” The piece concerned an NBC News reporter who contacted the U.S. Secret Service over the sale of an
NEWYou can now listen to Fox News articles! TV personality and medical professional Dr. Mehmet Oz’s previous statements on gun control have raised eyebrows after his entry into the 2022 Senate race in Pennsylvania as a Republican candidate, though Oz now says he firmly supports gun rights.  Oz has voiced support for “red flag” laws,
A sad fact about gun control politics is that if you are cynical enough you can darn near see the future. Consider this NRA-ILA item from November 8, titled, “NBC News Tattletale Alerts Secret Service to “Let’s go Brandon” AR-15 Receiver.” The piece concerned an NBC News reporter who contacted the U.S. Secret Service over
This is the season of holiday festivities, family gatherings, and retrospectives. We don’t operate on seasons, though. Gun owners didn’t wait for a holiday to air their grievances; they took every opportunity to let their legislators and the ATF know where they stood on infringement. Americans exercised their 2nd Amendment rights every day. This isn’t
Anti-gun New Jersey politicians have never been bashful about slapping restrictions on Second Amendment rights in the Garden State.  However, this latest, brazen campaign inches the state even closer to an outright ban on the Second Amendment.  In a state that basically doesn’t observe right–to–carry at all, the state Senate is now poised to strip
The NRA is in trouble. The National Rifle Association filed for bankruptcy earlier this year and is facing multiple lawsuits for allegedly misusing funds for personal use and violating campaign finance laws. NPR’s TIM MAK spent four years investigating the powerful gun rights organization and found rampant corruption, greed, and mismanagement at the top, notably around NRA President Wayne LaPierre.
Last week, the Sixth Circuit failed to achieve the majority necessary to correct the ATF’s shifting classifications of bump stocks as “machine guns.” NRA-ILA’s amicus brief opposed the ATF’s legal authority to arbitrarily criminalize legal firearms. Because the judges split 8-8, the flawed bump stock rule is being reinstated. This is only one of several challenges
OPINION: With many Americans focused on headline-grabbing U.S. Supreme Court cases, it would be easy to miss a critically important case that has flown under the radar: Shinn v. Jones and Ramirez. Despite the consolidated case’s low-profile, it has the potential to fundamentally reshape the criminal justice system in a manner that should offend conservatives’ core sensibilities — that
A wise and illustrious woman once stated that “The master’s tools will never dismantle the master’s house.” The paralyzation by our legislatures from the act of domestic terrorism in Oxford bring these wise words from Audre Lorde to my mind. America is paralyzed by the epidemic of gun violence. It is estimated that three million